Chapter 2

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"Oop, hello there, didn't expect you to be up so early", Kay said as Estrella walked into the kitchen. "I'm trying to get myself to not just take 5 minutes to get ready, because school starts at 8:30 and I am used to 7:30", they answered. "I have no clue what you wanted to tell me with that", Kay honestly replied.

"Me neither", both of them chuckled and got ready for their days. Kay drove her to school, took her to the headmaster's office, doing the last necessary things, before he wished them good bye.

"Estrella, I guess you are familiar with the way school works here, if not do you have any questions?", the headmaster asked. "I just know that I need to wear the uniform, I get my own schedule that might not be the same as everybody else's, but today is different, because we do a lot of formal stuff. I am not quite sure if I am missing anything though..." "No, sounds right on spot. Here is your schedule with the rooms to it. The first of the three numbers tells you which house, so one or two, we currently are in house two. The second number is the floor. Zero is on one level with the ground, one is the upper storey. And the third number is just so you know which exact room. I don't think you'll have much trouble finding your way around.", the headmaster said smiling. They were in a white, but still moody looking room, it amazed Estrella how well they combined the antique and modern aesthetic.

"Also because of the current pandemic, you will need to wear a mask at all times, unless you are eating, drinking or doing activities outside, which includes physical education.", she looked onto her wristwatch, "I think we should get going. Class starts in five minutes. Any more questions?" "Nope" "Alright, Miss please follow me, I forgot to mention. Most of the teachers are very formal with the student, basically everyone will address you with 'Miss' or 'West', students probably won't though."

They walked in a quick speed up the stairs. Estrella having no trouble keeping up. It was a modern school, they didn't have whiteboards, those got replaced with digital boards. There were a lot of windows, already making Estrella worry about getting distracted easily if there are such big windows in the classroom as well, but she told herself it would be fine.

The headmaster knocked on the door. A young woman opened, presumably the teacher. "Miss Adam, this is the new student I told you about, Miss West.", the headmaster said, pointing towards Estrella. The woman smiled, offering a handshake. "Hello Miss West, very glad to have you here, I'll be your tutor for this year, so if you have any complaints or anything, feel free to talk to me.", she opened the door wider, "Please come in!"

Both entered and stood in front of a class. Estrella looked around. The class consisted of mostly boys, only five girls. All of the boys looked basically the same in the uniforms. Light brown straight hair, sitting there like they are in charge of the place here, with disgustingly dirty looks, as they looked Estrella up and down. Except for a few. Three boys, sitting in the back, had dark brown curly hair. Another one sitting near the big windows, had fluffy almost poofy hair. He didn't look like he was interested in what was happening, just having his college block laying in front of him, scribbling into there.

"This is our new student. I will let her introduce herself!", Miss Adam said loud and clear. "Hello!", Estrella waved a little, "My name is Estrella West, I'm from Germany, uh, yeah, if you have any questions, go ahead and ask me."

One boy who already looked like a douchebag spoke up. "Are you a nazi?" "If I were I would have probably stayed in Germany rather than becoming and immigrant myself and move here, wouldn't I?", Estrella answered with a snarky smile. A few people were shocked by how quick-witted they were. Other's had smiles on their faces. "You didn't answer my question.", the douchebag said, quite obviously he felt insulted. "I did, but you didn't seem to have caught the answer. But just for you I'll make it clear: I am not a nazi, neither do I wear Lederhosen nor Dirndls and I am not and alcoholic, hope that cleared some things up.", they answered, still smiling. The boy looked away, scoffing, which made Estrella satisfied with her work.

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