Part 2 - The Kiss

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You slipped out the conference room door before anyone else even had time to stand, tossing an excuse behind you. You ran to your office and grabbed your keys - you'd quickly decided to drive your own car to the restaurant, needing the time gather your wits. In the lot you sat in your car, trying to chill for a few minutes, to get your head on straight. Were you just imagining this whole thing? Were they just bored, toying with the only female in the room? You chose to believe this and laughed at yourself for being so dumb. You could handle these guys and their little games, no problem. The short drive refreshed your resolve to make them happy that they chose your company, and you pulled into the restaurant parking lot just ahead of the limo.

The restaurant was dark and crowded, but your boss had reserved a large table in the back corner so your group was walked through immediately. You led the way, watching as the diners turned to gape at the insane amount of male hotness that was gliding past their tables. You went around the table and grabbed a chair with your back to the wall, pulling out the chair to the right of you for your boss. You can't explain how unsurprised you were when Jisung slid into it, smiling up at you with a nod of thanks. The exquisite scent of him made your stomach growl. You just knew you would turn and see Minho on the other side of you, and with mounting trepidation you decided not to look - just to sit. When a hand softly stroked your ass as you sat down, you knew for sure.

You felt the shoulder of an expensive jacket pressed against your left arm. It was tight at the table, but seemed particularly tight around you. Cautiously you stole a look to your left, and sure enough, Minho was looking right at you, a half-smile on his lips.

"Hi." His voice was silk dragged across your skin, raising chill bumps. "Hi," You whispered, unable to even make your voice work. You were drowning.

Suddenly Han put his arm around your shoulders in a jovial gesture, clowning to the group. "I'm so happy to be in America with my family, and our new partners. I know you will all take good care of us!" The boys cheered. Han graced you with a big smile, and then gave a cursory nod to your boss, who was digging into the bread and butter that was being set on the table along with the other members. Gratefully you smiled back at him, nodding. The relief was momentary though - as soon as everyone was distracted by food, his smile dropped, and he looked at you intently. He handed you your glass, now full of celebratory champagne, and picked up his own to clink it against yours. "To new friends," he said in a low voice. "Let's get acquainted."

For the first bit of the dinner, as everyone studied the menu and ordered, your mood was lifted by the joviality of the group. They were witty and charming, even with your limited Korean language skills that was easy to see, though luckily they mostly spoke English. You tried hard to ignore the heat coming from either side of you; even though they laughed and joked with the others, they remained close to you, leaning into you a little harder with every passing moment. Hard shoulders and thighs pushing against yours, making you tremble. They continued to glance past you at each other with evil little smiles as they rocked slightly against you in tandem. Just when you began to feel too trapped, as if on queue, they both leaned away and plates of food were set in front of you. You took a deep breath of what felt like the only air you'd ever had and pushed back your chair, excusing yourself to the restroom.

You almost ran.

You pulled the restroom door shut behind you and leaned against it, trying to catch your breath. How had this all happened? What exactly was happening? And how did it happen so fast? Minho and Jisung were not just flirting now, they were making their intentions very plain. You were no prude, by any means; your tastes actually leaned toward the darker side usually - but here, you are a professional, a professional who has to work with these guys for weeks. It wasn't only irresponsible but downright stupid to have any kind of romantic or sexual involvement with clients, and until now you'd never even imagined putting your job at risk like that. How could you extract yourself from this situation without pissing off 1/4th of your most important clients? And truthfully... did you want to? The wetness that was right now soaking through your panties was real. Your nipples were on fire and you were having a hard time concentrating. Your mind was clouded with confusion and... lust. That was the only way to describe it. You were afraid that if you didn't leave immediately, you were going to end up doing something you'd regret.

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