He looked at me.

"What?" He screamed.

I picked up the pen and signed my name in the contract and gave the paper to Edward.

"Here. I don't wanna even know whats in this contract. I trust you and i know you won't do anything wrong with me." i said and kissed his cheek.

He smiled and hugged me tightly.

"Im sorry." he whispered.

"Mhmm." i replied and hugged him tighter.

"Awwwwwwww." came a voice.

Our heads shot up to look from where the voice came. It was William.

"You both are so-so cute. I-i can't-can't hold myself. Why aren't you both dating already!" William stammered.

I blushed.

"Shutup William." Edward said and got up from the bed.

"See ya later love." Edward said to me and left the room with William.

I smiled to myself.  

My clothes were scented with Edward's mild aftershave lotion.

I got up from the bed and went to the bath, Took a long hot shower and stepped out.  

I was shocked.

On my bed layed a beautiful black gown and a bag. There was a note. I quickly picked up the note and read it, "Be ready at 6pm tonight, i'll pick you up. I'll be more than happy if you wore this gown which i bought for you. Love, Edward." I blushed.  

That means he's gonna take me for a date tonight. This feeling is unreal. Am i dreaming? I am really dreaming. Someone pinch me. Hundreds of thoughts crossed my mind. I looked up at the clock, it was only 10am.  

I was totally hyped. Whats gonna happen today?  

I went to my wardrobe and putted my clothes on. I stepped out of my room and went to the living room. A bright smile found its place on my face. William was sitting there watching the tv.

"Hey William where's Edward?" i asked.

"Oh Bella! Don't worry about him. You liked the gown?" William asked.

"Oh yes! I loved it. Thanks." i said.

"Don't say thanks to me, say it to Edward." William said and smiled.

"Edward did all this? I didn't knew sucker was this creative and romantic." I said in total disbeliefe.

"Sucker?" William giggled.

"Oh sorry. I named Edward sucker. Shhh don't tell him." i winked.

"Sure. And yes he did all this. I helped just a bit." William said. "Bella, he'll directly pick you up at 6. He's gone out for some work." William added.

I nodded.

"Thank you." i said and went to the kitchen.

I made some snacks and coffee for myself and William.  

In the afternoon, me and William talked about various things and watched the movie 'She's the man.'

After the movie was over, William got a call and he left me alone at home saying something was urgent. He told me to keep safe and wished me to have a perfect date.

I looked at the clock. It was about 4pm.

"Hurry up Bella!" i muttered to myself and ran to my room.

I stepped in the shower and washed my hair. After the shower, i quickly rushed to my wardrobe. I putted on a pair of matching black undergarment. I blow dried my hair. The time was 5pm now. I gotta really hurry up. I decided to leave my waist length hair open. I applied makeup to cover my flaws. At the end i putted on the beautiful black gown. It looked extremely beautiful and my curves were quite visible in the gown. I opened the bag which was kept on the bed. It had a big box and a lil' delicate decorated box. Curiosity took over me and i opened the lil' delicate decorated box.  

It contained a delicate necklace of beautiful black Drusy. It was extremely beautiful. I slowly took it out of the box and wore it. I stepped infront of the mirror and couldn't help but gasp. The dress looked so amazing on me and the necklace was extremely beautiful. I opened the big box and found a pair of beautiful black sandals in it. I putted them on and they were of my perfect size. I sprayed the fragrance which was kept on my dressing table.

Suddenly i heard beeps of horn and i looked at the clock; it was almost 6pm. It surely must be Edward waiting for me. I took one last look at the mirror and got out of my room. I slowly came downstairs as i picked up my gown in my hands. I stepped out of the house and there was Edward standing in front of his shining black Porsche. He was facing the car so basically he couldn't see me.

"Edward." i called out his name.

He turned back and faced me. A smirk plastered on his face as he stared at every inch of my body.

"You look extremely beautiful my love." he said and stepped forward.

I blushed.

I observed Edward. He was wearing a formal black suit with a black tie. His hair was spikey as usual. I could smell his cologne. He looked extremely handsome i may say.

"You yourself look very handsome." i said with a smile.

He smiled and held my hand. He took me to his car and opened the door for me. In the blink of an eye he was at the driver's seat.

"Woah you Vampires are quick." i said in total amusement.

Edward chuckled and brought life to the engine. 


Author's notes:

Well yup so i ended this chapter right here because i've got some drama coming up in the next chapter so yeah i'll put it up in the next chapter.  

What do you guys think about this chapter? Isn't Edward and Bella's relationship so cute? He finally asked her out. Aha. I fangirl over my own book lol.

And yay this book has 5K reads. :D  

Thank you for all the reads/votes/fans.  

Your lovely comments matter to me alot.  

Much love. x



FAN. :)

-Bella&Liz. x

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