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noun ~ a sentence worded or expressed to elicit information


I found Charlie sitting around a dining table; the sun rising through the window. He nodded at me, and I took my time to look at the people surrounding him.

The Lycans observed me as much as I observed them. I could tell they were uneasy, unsure if I would snap at them. I caught the eye of the younger female. They wrapped a bandage around her waist. I wondered if they had supplied her with a blood transfusion from her brother because she was sitting upright and looking pain-free.

Her blue eyes were the wariest of me, and I wondered why she was so... nervous to see me. I made a mental note to monitor her. After all, she was with Nova when she disappeared.

"Alpha Titan, please take a seat. We are just waiting for Master Pollux."

I snapped my attention to Aldren, observing his casual style of clothing. We were about the same height, and he did not sit in his chair until I sat opposite him. His father, Samson I believe, was already seated with his wife beside him. She gave me a timid smile, her eyes tired. I forced myself to nod at her, keeping my face mutual for the time being.

The door opened behind me, and I tensed at the intrusion. The twin's scent flooded my senses, filling me with a soft sense of familiarity. I turned my head as he limped into the room, his familiar green eyes finding mine.

I hesitated as he closed the door behind him, noticing his struggle to walk. I knew he was a prideful man and assumed he would not take me helping him lightly. Despite that, I rose from my chair and pulled out the one beside me, holding my arm out for him to sit.

Pollux mumbled a thank you as he sat down heavily, his back slumping against the wooden chair. He was paler than usual. Every movement on his left side seemed to cause him pain. His hair was dishevelled and knotted at the back of his head.

I frowned at him, wondering why he wasn't healing. As I sat beside him, I sniffed him, using Ares as a guide. He smelt of Pollux, and nothing else, which led me to believe he had not taken a transfusion.

As if recognising my thoughts, his green eyes looked up to me warily.

"Something on my face?" He muttered.

"Why are you not healing?" I grumbled.

He frowned, shaking his head. "Lycan, remember?"

I crossed my arms and smirked as he visibly squirmed. Everyone else was silent as they observed the conversation. I stayed silent, conveying my message of disbelief enough for Pollux to become uncomfortable.

"I don't deserve to heal." He mumbled.

"You going to tell Nova that when she finds out you've been suffering?" I scoffed.

He winced, thinking it over. He shook his head, exhaling.

"She got taken because I wasn't there."

"There is more to the story, I'm sure," I commented.

He shrugged, looking down at the table with indifference. The others shifted in their chairs; the room growing awkward. I sighed, running my hand down my face.

"Walk me through what happened that day," I announced, raising my gaze to stare at all of them.

Aldren and the young female shared glances before she sighed and dropped her gaze. I dared a look at Charlie, who cleared his throat.

'Alessea.' He commented.

"I took Nova to her old family's home. We walked around and explored for a few hours, split into twos." She began. "I believe she was with Pollux for that part."

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