Chapter 21- Forgiveness

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"Since the score is two and one, the final event will possibly decide the winner of the Friendship Games."

"Somewhere on campus, a pendant from each school has been hidden. The first team to find their school's flag and bring it back wins."

"As soon as the teams are ready, we'll begin."

"I don't feel like playing these games anymore," Fluttershy pouted.

"But we have to play! This is the last event!" Rainbow Dash protested.

Rarity sighed. "It's a little hard to focus with all the magic stealing and portal opening."

"I feel awful about what I said to Twilight," Sunset muttered.

"Especially since she didn't mean to do all the stuff she did. She's actually really nice," Fluttershy pointed out.

"That didn't really help," I mouthed.

"Let's just get through this last event and prove we're not a bunch of cheaters. Then you can go over and apologize."

Twilight stepped out, clutching her pendant. Ruby marched proudly next to her. Sunset and I stepped out. My eyes widened when Ruby put her hand on Twilight. The buzzing of panic drowned out everything.


Twilight opened her pendant, knocking all of us to the ground. Her glasses fell off, and her bun undid itself. The bubble surrounded Twilight and Ruby. The magic was finally released.

"Help us!"

The bubble surrounded them. I watched in horror as they turned. Twilight had a glowing blue horn. Winged glasses surrounded her glowing eyes. She grew wings, but not the ones we get. They were darker and scarier. She looked scary.

Ruby was in the same state, grinning madly. She twirled, admiring her outfit. What stood out to me was a pink broken heart on the belt of her dress. It was almost the exact opposite of our power.

Twilight laughed, staring at Sunset. "You were right. I didn't understand magic before. But we do now!"

Twilight and Ruby used their evil magic to break the horse on top of the portal. Rifts broke through the ground, and their magic only boosted it. They were breaking through the barrier that separated our world from this world.

"Twilight, you can't do this!"

"Ruby! I know you're in there! We're the same person! I know you have more sanity than to succumb to the madness!" I shouted.

"Why not?" Twilight questioned Sunset. "There's a whole other world right there. And it's just filled with magic."

"If we are the same person, Ruby, then you're like this, too. Power-seeking, ambitious, evil Ruby Rose!" Ruby shouted at me.

"But you're destroying this world to get mine!" I reminded them.

"So what?! There's more magic there. And I want to understand it all!" Twilight blasted the ground, creating a portal in the ground. Sunset and I grabbed the pendant. We watched as the girls glowed; me being the last one to glow pale pink.

Sunset looked at me, realizing what was going on. She understood. I smiled at her, taking her hand.

"This isn't the way!" I said.

"I know you feel powerful right now, like you can have everything you want. I've been where you are. I've made the same mistake you're making. I put on a crown, and just like you, I was overwhelmed by the magic it contained. I thought it could get me everything I wanted."

"Oh, you're wrong."

"Unlike you, we can have everything we want," Ruby snapped.

"No, you can't," I said. "Even with all that magic and power, you'll still be alone," I reasoned.

"True magic comes from honesty."




"Kindness, and love."

Sunset opened the pendant, gathering our magic. "We understand you, Twilight and Ruby. And we want to show you the most important magic of all." Sunset snapped the pendant close, then threw it on the ground. A ball surrounded the two of us, and I thrived in the familiar magic.

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