Chapter 11- Shake Your Tail

Start from the beginning

"Let's give them a storm," I whispered to Rainbow.

She smirked, nodding.

"At least we know one group won't stand in the way of us getting to the finals," Applejack commented.

"Let's get ready to rock," Rainbow said.

"Wait, where's Rarity?" Pinkie asked.

"Here! I'm here!" Rarity said. "We will be performing in front of an audience. I'm not going to wear something fabulous?"

"You look great, Rarity," I assured her.

We walked onto the stage. Twilight needed a harmony for the song, so I put away my flute and traded it for the microphone. I gripped it, relaxing my fist slowly. This was going to work. Our plan was going to work.

"Remember, we have to be good enough to make it through. But not so good. We let the Sirens see the magic within us. They could realize we're playing music against them," Twilight reminded us.

"Got it. Be cool enough to win, but not so cool that we end up pulling off the whole ears and tails and rainbows thing. So, about twenty percent less cool," Rainbow explained.

"One, two!" Pinkie clicked her sticks together.

We've just got the day to get ready

And there's only so much time to lose

Because tonight, yeah, we're here to party

So let's think of something fun to do

We don't know (we don't know) what's gonna happen

We just know (we just know) it's gonna feel right

All our friends are here

And it's time to ignite the lights!

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail

So what you didn't get it right the first time

Laugh it off, no one said it is a crime

Do your thing, you know you're an original

Your ideas are so funny that they're criminal


We've just got the day to get ready

And there's only so much time to lose

Because tonight, yeah, we're here to party

So let's think of something fun to do

We don't know (we don't know) what's gonna happen

We just know (we just know) it's gonna feel right

All our friends are here

And it's time to ignite the lights!

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight!

I tried to prevent as much sabotage as I could. I removed the magnets from Rarity and put her more toward the front. Pinkie set off the confetti, and I prevented it from going everywhere. I snuck backstage and stopped a group from setting the spotlight on Fluttershy.

We finished, and it seemed to be a successful routine. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna seemed somewhat impressed. They clapped enthusiastically and wrote down some things on their papers.

We went backstage, and I sat against the wall in relief. The look that Caramel gave me when I harmonized hurt me. Like I was the bad guy. My Caramel would never hurt me like that.

"Rarity, were you trying to make us lose out there?" Applejack snapped, startling me.

"This was not my fault! This was an act of sabotage!" Rarity argued.

"Yeah, well, whoever had done this couldn't have done this if you didn't insist on dressing like—like this!" Applejack argued. "We need to sound good! Is there some reason that concept seems to escape you?"

"And what was with the confetti, Pinkie Pie? How am I supposed to shred if there's paper stuck in my frets?" Rainbow questioned.

"It was pretty distracting," Fluttershy added.

"Says the girl who almost ran from a light! A light!" Pinkie screeched.

"Okay, enough!" I yelled, startling the group. "I fixed Rarity's situation, Apple. She dresses up. Isn't that an everyday thing? It's just a part of her personality. And Rainbow, Pinkie was trying to liven things up. Did you see some people snoring, or was it just me? And Pinkie, Fluttershy doesn't enjoy having the spotlight on her. We've both known that for years. I took care of it. She was there the whole time. Now, can we please not argue and focus on the next round?" I questioned.

"You still sounded better than most of the other bands. I'm sure you'll make it to the next round, but it won't matter if you don't have that counter-spell ready!" Sunset reminded us. "You all find a place to practice where the Sirens can't hear you. I'll keep an eye on things around here."

"I don't think we should use a classroom," Twilight started. She accidentally bumped into Flash. I backed up and bumped into Caramel.

Twilight giggled. "We really need to stop bumping into each other like this."

Flash rolled his eyes, making my eyes widen in surprise.

"Uh, you guys hear something?" Flash asked.

The group grunted.

"I said, we have to stop-"

"There it is again! So annoying," Flash cut her off.

"Why are you acting like this, Flash?" I asked.

"I thought we were friends," Twilight added.

"Yeah, and then you decided to come back here just so you could beat me in the Battle of the Bands! And Ruby with Caramel, too! No wonder he doesn't like you anymore, Ruby!" Flash snapped. "I want this, Twilight, and you're trying to take it from me! Some friend."

"That's not why-"

"Come on, Twilight," Applejack cut in. She lowered her voice. "Ruby's hurt."

I didn't realize it, but tears were forming in my eyes. I looked at Caramel pleadingly. He glared at me angrily. It felt so real, like that was the actual Caramel I loved. I had to remind myself repeatedly that it wasn't him.

"That's not him. Relax," Twilight whispered.

"But it's his words. And they really hurt, no matter if it came from this Caramel or Caramel back home," I said, sniffing and wiping my tears away.

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