• 10 :- first piece of mageblade •

Start from the beginning

Moony ran after voice. The voice was coming from the plains. She was sure about the voice. It was voice of some guy. She ran towards the entrance of the plains and saw a guy who was hanging in air by a branch. Some wolf's were dancing beneath him.

Moony slap her head mentally and went to those wolf. She told them that this guy is her friend. Since the wolf were her friends too , they let him go and walk away leaving moony and the guy behind.

He yelled.

Moony gave him straight face and she transform in human.

"Come down. You are saf-"
And before she even complete her scentence he fell on her.

"Aish this kid."
She push him at side to see him who fall unconscious because he saw her transforming in human. She again slap her head before carrying him on her back and walking towards mushroom house.

She kicked the door open and went inside.

"Who is this ? What happened with him ?"
Hana asked Neal help her for putting the guy down from her back.

"He was hanging in air by a branch. My wolf friends wanted to eat him."
Moony said.

"Let me check him."
Hana said.

"When are we leaving ?"
Moony asked.

Hansung said.  They all walk out of house. Hana also walk out to wish them luck.

"Be careful you all."
She said.

"Take care of yourself too. Hit that guy if he tries to harm you. Ok ?"
Hansung said. She nodded at him and they all leave for the plains.

Moony transform in wolf and ran ahead while Neal and hansung cut the branches. Neal lead them towards maan's house.

He ran in maan's house as soon as they reach there.

The house was covered in branches from inside , but the branches were pretty small compare to other branches.

Neal mumble as he look at the guy seated in corner of the room , but before Neal walk towards him , a light flash infront of them. Moony pull Neal back and that guy got covered in several wood planks.

"It's the gatekeeper."
Hansung mumble.

The gatekeeper stand up making alot of cracking noise.

"Nice to see some tiny peoples with sword..."
Gatekeeper chuckle.

"So... There are 4 tiny humans are here to fight with me huh ?"
Gatekeeper asked and ran towards them to attack on them. Moony and neal jump on side and dodge gatekeeper.

On other side minjar used his power to fly and fly away with hansung.

"I got an idea."
Hansung said.

"Put me down."
He said. Minjae nodded putting him down.

Gatekeeper again ran towards them. This time moony attacked on gatekeeper. She use her sharp nails and scratch gatekeeper's back. Gatekeeper grab her and throw away but she landed safely using her cat form.

"Neal side Attack."
Hansung yelled and Neal ran at left side of gatekeeper and attack on it cutting it's left hand. A loud scream escape gatekeeper's mouth as it uses it's right hand to grow tree.

Ground start glowing green beneath Neal , Moony ran pushing Neal on other side and they escape from trapping in branched cage.

"NOW !"
Hansung yelled. Minjae used his magic and made Hansung fly. Hansung fly towards gatekeeper's head and cracked it in 2 Parts.

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