"On the run" |#1| Assassinated AU

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In this AU, William is being hunted down by an assassin group (group of assassins with a leader) who try to capture him because of money and because William caused one of their important members to go to prison and they want revenge. Henry is William's friend, the rest will be explained throughout the story. They don't have kids nor wives. Also:
♤ = time base on present day
= clock time
¤ = person's POV

♤Few months ago
¤Henry's POV¤

Me and William were hanging out at his house, watching TV while sitting on the couch. Even though it was a relaxing evening, William seemed bothered by something. "Hey, Will, is something wrong?" He looked at me, his expression changing to a happier one. "No, everything's fine, Henry. You don't have to worry." I knew he was lying, but I had no chance of convincing him to tell me. I looked back at the TV, wondering what could bother him and why is he hiding it.

A few days after that I decided to visit him a bit since we weren't much in contact. He said he was working on something and that it keeps him busy. Too busy to talk to me apparently. However, I arrived at his house and rang the bell. No answer. I knocked and rang the bell a couple more times until giving up. Normally he would've opened by now. I started to get a bad feeling. In any other day I would leave, but this time, I decided to go invite myself inside. I unlocked the door with a spare key he gave me a while back for any critical situations. And I guess him not answering would be enough critical to use the key. I went inside, closing the door after me. Everything was quiet, almost like no one lived here. I searched the house, finding no one. Even his important belongings were gone. I had a very bad feeling. Something was wrong. He usually told me if he was going somewhere. I looked around his bedroom, noticing that the place looked like he left in a hurry. Has something happened? What if he's hurt!? Or worse!? Thoughts like this were quickly pushed away. I knew William isn't that weak to get kidnapped or something. I decided to went back to my house and figure out what to do next.


♤Present time
♧Around noon
¤3rd person POV¤

It's been months since William disappeared. Henry tried finding out from people who know them what could happen and found out only that William is being chased by some people who are trying to kill him.
He was worried. Over the past few months, it has rained a couple of times, so William could be sick. Or anything like that. Henry was worried because he didn't know anything about where William is or how is he. But he wasn't worried just because William is his friend. He loved the man and cared about him more than for anyone else he knew. And now, the person he loves more than anything (excluding himself), has disappeared.
And he couldn't do anything about it. He layed down on his bed, tears filling his eyes while he tried not to sob.

A few days later he decided to go for a walk into the woods. He needed to clear his head a bit and deep inside he hoped to encounter William.

¤Henry's POV¤

As I was walking through the woods, I suddenly saw a figure ahead of me. I jumped a bit in suprise, looking at it. And it looked back. Something about it felt so... familiar. I took a step forwards to look it up closer, it ran away, like some sort of scared animal. I sighed. I was pretty sure it was a person, but why would he or she be that scared? Surely I don't look scary or anything. I returned to my house, the person still on my mind. I felt like I should recognise it.

After I got home, I sat down on the couch, thinking about my earlier encounter and about the figure and if there's any connection between William and the figure.

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