13 ➹ enemies for friends

Start from the beginning

"Hypothetically I disable cameras in your house, how mad would you be?"

"Depends, what for?" He nods to Mayo, and it all makes sense...this is Sage's 'sources.' I think the question over, I was happy when Sage brought in Mayo so why should I be angry at the boy that helped him? "I mean, never do it again but I wouldn't be pissed if it were Mayo."

"Well then, I disabled the camera's in your house."

"Thought so."

Some time passes between Spencer and I, he even gets in and out of the shower which by the way took way too long and that's coming from me, but at least I can bet on his cleanliness now.

"Still not here?" he asks, a towel slung across his neck. He's currently only in boxers and I feel like I should look away, but Spencer doesn't look like he holds any shame, so I don't make a big deal out of it.


He only nods, moving to his side of the room and opening up the cupboard. He takes the school button up from off the hanger and puts it on, I watch as his abbed stomach slowly disappears as the shirt covers it up.

He holds eye contact with me, and I sink further into the bed with Mayo feeling my cheeks burn up. A smug grin plays on his lips when I look away. Bastard.

But despite his recent behavior Spencer is cute. I mean, hot but with the damp white blonde hair and rosy cheeks due to the winter weather he kind of resembles a cute puppy. "You have a girlfriend?" I ask.

He looks up at me, now done with the buttons on the shirt and shakes his head. "No."

"Don't worry, it isn't for me."

"Oh, then yeah."

I smile. "So, you have a girlfriend or not?"

"Depends on the person."

"I'm not into cheaters."

"I don't have a girlfriend." A flirt. Noted.

"If you're ever in need, I can get you hooked up. There are so many intelligent girls here that I can just envision you with. They're also beautiful so you won't have to worry or bring up any statistics about how some people are attracted to looks over personality."

"Fifty two percent."


"That's how many people prefer personality over looks according to a study based in the Uk." Of course, he'd know that.

I'm about to say something but the door opens wide, and I cringe as it slams into the wall. "Sorry, were you here for long? I just wanted to get a few laps in before school." Sage's familiar voice rambles and I shoot him daggers.

"I've been here since seven." Sage looks at the time on his phone and then me, it's well past seven forty now.

"Shit, sorry. I'll just wash off and the boys will be here in like ten." He's about to enter the shower but he turns around, his hand on the doorknob. "Put on some pants Mancini."

Spencer rolls his eyes but abides anyways and I stroke Mayo as he curls up and lays on Sage's bed. "You two good friends?"

"Yeah, I met him recently. He's good when he's not shitting on the floor, and I have to pick it up."

"No, you idiot, Sage."

Spencer looks at me blankly, "Was I not just describing Sage?" I throw the pillow on Sage's bed at him, and he catches it before it's able to hit him. "Yes, Sage and I are good friends." He answers with a half-smile. "Anyways, going to get breakfast, see you around Daler," my last name takes me by surprise but nonetheless I don't say anything about it.

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