Mr. Parker was a really grumpy man but good at his job. Anna wasn't really sure what his job exactly was but its like supervise and telling people to do work.

"Ok, a mechanic is gonna be here in some time, till then why don't start fixing them."

"Really but.."

"You know how to do it right, you are trained come on." He replied clearly not wanting to hear any excuse.

"Yeah I can." Anna said giving him a tight fake smile.

He just nodded and went god knows where.
Anna just stuck out her tongue at him making a weird face.
She picked up the tool box and went to work.

~~~~~ after 15 minutes~~~~~~~
"Sorry I am late." A man in orange jacket came running up to Anna

"Its alright, Anna windsor." She said standing up and holding out her hand to the man.

"Don west, pleasure to meet you." He replied shaking her hand with a smile.

Now both had no idea that how much important they would become in each other's lives.

"Okay to which little baby are we fixing first?" Don asked clapping his hand excited.
"Not sure if the chariot is small, but this one."she replied laughing and gesturing towards the chariot beside her on which she was working on earlier.

Both of them were working and only the sounds of tools could be heard when anna decided to break the silence between them.

"So how is it like at alpha centauri?" She asked trying to start a conversation.

"Its good but they don't have everything." Don replied and add after a thought.

"Really and what is that, that they don't have in the new world?" She asked a little surprised.

Don looked at her and replied with a serious face," wine, whiskey or any good alcohol."

"That must be terrible." Anna replied also with a serious face.

Not able to hold in their laughter anymore they both started laughing.

"Hey, quit the chit chat and get back to work." Someone said from the back.
Both of them turned around annoyed at the interruption.

Anna narrowed her eyes at the man and glared at him, her face completely daring him to say that again.
The man looked away from her and went to god knows where.

"Woah people really are intimidated by you." Don said chuckling.
Anna just winked at him.

Both of them just fixed the chariots and put in the parts that were missing and while working they talked.

"See you on the resolute Mr. West." Anna said saluting him.

"See you miss windsor." He said returning the gesture.
(He understood the assignment)

Then both of them went their seperate ways.

Don would never admit but he felt nice by actually talking to someone. Maybe the world isn't that bad, he thought to himself.

○○○○○○○○time skip to two days○○○○○○○

While packing

Boxes were laid out all over the living room. They were packing the things to take while donating the other things to people in need since they would no longer want it.

"I am not sure if you are allowed to take that." James said looking at Anna who was packing her dagger, she got for Christmas.

"Dont worry I have permission." She said shrugging her shoulder as if it isn't a big deal.

" wait you got permission, how?" Asked Harry his daughter, a little shocked.

"I have my ways." She said chuckling at her family's faces.
The other three shared a glance and got back to packing.

Anna and James decided to take their phones even though they would have no service or network in space, they could still transfer books and games in their jupiter in free time. They also took their tablets.

"Hey mum, dad, why aren't we keeping any money?" James and Anna asked together, then looked at each other smiling goofily.

"Well um I transferred the family money and heritages to alpha centauri legally."

Their family is like very old and many things like necklaces and books have been passed out many generations and money too.

"Wait so you knew that we would go?" Anna asked hesitantly.

"Well we had to go at some point you know." Harry replied.

The packing was done and they were leaving next week.

James went out with his friends for a final goodbye and turns out that lily (the girl James has a crush on) is in the 24th colonist group too.

Anna has been teasing him about this since the moment she got to know.
Seeing her brother with his friends did make her a little jealous but she would never admit it.

She had been home schooled since the age of six. It kinds grew on her. But she hoped that would make friends on the resolute and at alpha centuari.

I honestly love don so much
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Have a great day

LOST IN SPACE /WILL ROBINSON Where stories live. Discover now