"Great, let me give you the address. Do you have something to write down?" I finally decide to move along while Officer Raymond takes a miniature notepad with matching pen out of his pants' pocket.

"What are you we going to do?" Cassie finally let her presence be known. "We never planned a party. The weekend is in only two more days, that's hardly enough time to organize a party."

"Geez, Cassie, I would never would have guessed that."

"So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know," I tell her through my gritted teeth . "Can't you be quiet for a second? I'm trying to think."

Cassie's mouth clamps shut. Finally!

As I look around the mall, my eyes shift around between people shouting, selling, and buying. The ambience is more than joyful with people forgetting their worries and throwing themselves in the blessings of a fantastic summer. All they need is a little reminder and all of it will disappear - joy and happiness are not real. They're only futile moments to temporarily erase the true nature of life...misery.

"Wait, I know. We'll just have to throw a party." And I know exactly where to make it happen so I could see that idiot beg for mercy.

Confusion envelops her usually bubbly face, "but you hate throwing parties at your house."

"Who said it was going to be at my house?"

"Where else? We can't have it at my house, my dad is still pissed about what happened last time."

"Don't worry, it's not going to be at your house."

"Okay, where then?"

A mischievous smirk unravels itself at the corner of my lips, "Just wait and see. I think Darwin will love it. It's somewhere he holds dear to his heart." Somewhere all of his devils hide.

"Come on," I loop my arms around hers and drag her into the nearest store, "we have a lot to buy."

"Your mom is going to kill you," she laughs as I push the door open.

Immediately the smell of new and expensive clothing rushes through my nostrils. My fingers itched to just buy everything without a second thought. God, I love wasting Steven's money.

"Hey," some nerd with overly greasy hair steps in my way.

"Where the hell did you come from?" I take a step back, careful not to touch him.

"I knew it was you," his lips stretch to show pieces of leftover food stuck in between white teeth. "I saw you talking to that guy out there so I didn't want to intrude. When I saw you walk away, I knew I had to come say hello. Don't you remember me?"

"No, I don't." I make a move to leave but he sidesteps me.

"It's Mike," he says happily as if I'm supposed to know who he is.

"Okay, Mike, can you move now? I have better things to do than talk to you," I drawl out slowly.

He laughs a hysterical laugh, some people shot curious looks at us. "You're always funny. If I didn't know better, I'd think you don't like me."

"I don't," I reply with a straight face.

The humor flies off his face, he clears his throat and scratches his dark brown locks, "Well, it was nice to see you, again. Not that you asked but I wanted to let you know that my boss didn't kill me. Well, that's kind of obvious. I wouldn't be here if she did in fact killed me."

"Get to the point, Mike." I snap, my patience wearing thin.

"Sorry, I guess I just wanted to say hi. It was nice to see you, again."

"You've already said that."

"I know, I'm kind of running out of things to say."

"Well, in that case. Bye." I move quickly out of his way with Cassie right beside me.

"Wait!" He calls out before I got two steps away.

What does he wants now? I groan.

"You still haven't told me your name."

"That's because I don't want to." I answer him without turning around. Without waiting for his reply, I move further into the store.

A few hundred dollars later, he's still on my mind. He looked so innocent, so sweet. How can anyone be living this life and still be nice? That's one secret I want to uncover. Maybe I'll meet him again and he can tell me.

For now, I have a party to plan with delicious revenge on the side. 

Behind every mean girl...there's a tragedyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora