"Okay, let me just find a parking space and we'll enter." M/n told him, though, i don't think shoyo was listening, his face was basically kissing the tinted window of the car.


M/n and shoyo wasted no time exploring the place, various mechanisms and merchandise were scattered in the place.

Shoyo even found an arcade with a cafe beside it. The two were delighted to see the place, as the energetic male pulled the other, m/n was enjoying his time with him.

There were few times shoyo would groan in frustration from losing to m/n and would ask for a rematch until his dignity was crushed to the core.

M/n could let him win once, but where's the fun in that? right? He likes to see the defeated look on his peers as he triumphantly smirk at them. M/n could be sadistic at times.

they played to their hearts content, and their wallets too. By the end, they both decided to rest on the cafe next door, while shoyo was grabbing their order, m/n found a little keychain shop. He informed shoyo his whereabouts to which the boy acknowledged.

His fingers trailed across a plethora of little keychains until his eyes caught a bright yellow with a twinge of orange.

He grabbed it and suddenly a smile formed in his face.

After paying for the keychain he immediately went back to the cafe to see shoyo patiently waiting for him. "Oh, i was waiting for you before i'd eat this" He inquired, pushing a plate of blueberry cheesecake to m/n. "Oh wait let me just put this keychain..." He muttered, carefully placing it on the handle of his tote bag.

"A sun keychain?" Shoyo blurted, the h/c-nette turned to him with a blush in his face.

"Well, while i was looking through and i came across it and it reminded me of you..."

"You know, because you're so bright and happy and wherever you go, you give the light and sunny feeling..? is that even a thing? either way, you make people around you feel nice!" 

Shoyo was baffled, he has heard people refer to him as the sun but never once he felt like this. Like his heart felt like it's going to leap out of his chest, he felt nervous and giddy inside! It's weird, but also....nice he couldn't understand why.

"W-well-! let me get one for you too...!" He stood up, but before m/n could stop him, the boy was zooming towards the keychain shop.

After a few minutes, he came back with a rainbow keychain.

"Ah rainbow, is it because i'm gay?" M/n joked, raising a brow as he waits for his answer. Shoyo immediately felt embarrassed.

"No-! it's- uhm because! in every rain a rainbow comes out right?"


"well, you're like that! if im having a bad day you come in and make it beautiful because you're beautiful...hehe"

M/n stared at him wide eyed, he was surprised, flattered, flustered, in love...? There was so much going inside of him, he can't keep up.

"was it cheesy? sorry, i'll stop-"

"It's fine, i just never thought anyone would say things like that.." M/n reassured him that it was fine, looking away as he tried his best to keep his composure.

"Eh what do you mean?" He asked, inching a bit closer to him. "Y'know-! compliments and stuff...im not good with taking them in and stuff"

"Well, you better start getting used to it because i'll bomb you with compliments every time we meet m/n-san!" He boasted, making m/n smile ear to ear.

"thanks for that, sho" He smiled and patted the smaller's head, the spiker had sparkles in his eyes. He was beyond the stars right now.


"Thanks for today m/n-san!" Shoyo waved using his free hand as he step out of the vehicle, m/n gave him an earnest smile before waving as well.

Once he made sure that shoyo entered his home safely, he stepped on the gas. "Time for sleep" He mumbled, looking on the backseat to check the boxes of figurines that he bought with shoyo.

A sweet smile formed in his face as he replays the words that came out of the tangerine's mouth.

"well, you're like that! if im having a bad day you come in and make it beautiful because you're beautiful...hehe"

"You're making me smile like a fool, sho"


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