- Chapter Two -

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Eventually I got tired of my own thoughts and l wound up back in my room. I picked up my favorite book and started reading - or I tried too. Before I could even clear my mind and focus on my book my phone started buzzing in my back pocket.

"Ughhhhhhhhh" I groaned as I slipped my phone out of my back pocket.

I looked at the caller ID, Liam. It was a FaceTime call, I was totally unprepared for this.

I clicked 'accept' and got a good look at myself. I had smudged and clumpy mascara, a floppy blonde messy bun, nerdy glasses, and cracked lips. And not to bring further attention to it, but I was wearing a ketchup stained shirt. Great.

"Liam, I'm really not in the mood for this right now. I –" I began.

"Woah," his eyebrows knitted together. "Who hit you with a train?"

"I will strangle you through the screen. I'm not afraid to." remarked with a pleased face.

"Well you would look stupid doing that," Liam cackled.


"You sound and look like you have a stick up your butt." He clicked his tongue. "And you sound like my brother."

I flip him off and hang up the phone. I just close my eyes for a second and sit in peace and quiet.

A few minutes later my phone buzzes in my hand, wake up call!

I click accept in annoyance, without even looking at the caller ID, that was a mistake.

"I told you once already, dipstick. If you don't –" I rub my temple with my eyes closed.

"I'm not gonna let you finish that sentence," A familiar voice chimes through my phone.

I open my eyes and see a smiling Sierra, laying on her bed.

Note to self: ALWAYS check caller ID.

"Oh God, I'm sorry I can't keep up with that other dipstick. What's up short-stuff?" I apologize.


"Oh that burns, small, yet mighty." I snorted. "Hey that has a nice ring to it - 'Mighty Mouse'"

"Yeah, yeah" she rolls her eyes. "Anyways, I'm calling about the trip. Have you asked your parents yet?"

I jerked away from the phone in confusion. "What? What am I supposed to ask? 'Oh hey, Sierra wants to catch a flight, any ideas?'" I mimicked myself.

We both burst out laughing on our beds, nearly dropping our phones on the floor.

"Okay, okay. Maybe you're right –"

"Maybe?" I interrupted. "Sorry, continue."

She grinned, "Maybe we should talk destination, group call?"

"You know it," I winked and waited for her to end the call.

She ended it in seconds and I used my extra time to look less like a train wreck.

I washed my face, quickly washing away my awful mascara and brushed my hair.

"Good enough," I shrugged to myself in the mirror.

I walked back into my room and heard my phone already ringing on top of my sheets.
I quite literally hopped onto my bed and answered the call immediately, making sure the caller ID read 'A barrel of monkeys.'

I know. It's a weird name, but we're weird.

"Dipstick and mighty mouse, my favourites!" I teased.

"Hi train wreck that's not-so-much-of-a-train-wreck anymore!" Liam shook his head, letting out an airy chuckle.

"Okay lovebirds, mighty mouse actually has priorities here!" Sierra rolled her eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry, Ms. Perfect," I mimicked her.

"Like you have your life anymore organized than mine, blondie,"

I have to admit, her 'blondie comebacks' were pretty funny but that's not why we're here.

"Cat fight," Liam fake-gasped.

Sierra cleared her throat "Rich boy, I have an idea,"

"Continue..." Liam cocked an eyebrow.

"What if we go to your dad's super awesome resort?" Sierra smiled brightly.

"Oh um," Liam looked shocked and pink. "I haven't seen my dad since I was ten," he looked down. 



The Road Rage Resort {Olivia Keith's Perspective}Where stories live. Discover now