- Chapter One -

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So there I was, calmly lying down in between my two best friends, Sierra and Liam. God I loved summer. The sun was shining on top of us and we were on top of a giant picnic blanket, what could be better than this?

"You know what would be better than this?" Sierra said as if she had read my mind. I heard her turn onto her side, propping her head up on her elbow. I could feel her peering into my soul.

I groaned and opened my eyes, "What? What could possibly be better than the peace and quiet? Which, by the way, you just ruined."

"Geez 'Livia, is it your time of the month?" Liam smirked.

I spun around to face Liam, "Wipe that stupid smirk off your face before I do, Arlene."

"Ooo, not the last name." Sierra teased from behind me.

I didn't feel like turning around and arguing with another one of my friends. Instead, I plopped down in between them both and spoke calmly.

"Don't you have a brilliant idea to tell us?" I suggested sarcastically.

"Oh yeah!" Sierra spoke like she had totally forgotten about it. (Spoiler alert! She did.) "So, I was thinking, gold really compliments the white colour of a traditional wedding dress –"

"Where are you going with this?" Liam rubbed his head boredly.

"Excuse me, I was speaking. Anyway, so gold flowers on the tables at y'alls wedding?" Sierra smirked devilishly.

Before even realizing what I was doing, I pounced on top of Sierra like a mountain cat.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Spare me please!" Sierra yelped at the sight of my fist.

I smiled dominantly and nodded, the last thing I would do was date my best friend, nevertheless marry him.

Liam looked like he had seen God and stood still with a scarlet face. When he realized we were both staring at him he shook his head, "We're not getting married, Sierra."

Sierra raised her eyebrows and shrugged, "It was worth a try,"

"Now is there a real idea in that brain? I swear there has to be something in that last brain cell of yours." Liam chuckled cutely.

Wait, what? No, not cutely. I don't find him cute. There is not one cute bone in his body. He was chuckling cutely at Sierra, not me.

"Are you doubting my wits?" Sierra tweaked her head, showing little to no emotion.

"Maybe I am." Liam looked satisfied.

"Fine you win this one. But only because I don't want to forget my totally awesome idea!"

We were all smiling like toddlers in a candy store.

"Geez, who put a love potion in y'alls drinks?" I sipped from my can of coke teasingly. They stared blankly at me in emotionless silence.

"Lighten up, guys. It was just a joke, relax." I said awkwardly.

"That was such a good joke that I forgot to laugh!" Sierra cheered.

We all chuckled, sun bouncing off our plump cheeks. I just wanted to stay in this moment like a sitting duck. My life was perfect, I never wanted things to change.

"Okay now I'm actually eager to hear Sierra's idea, we need to spice up our summer, my dudes!" I turn to Sierra with a grin.

"Well I was thinking we could catch a flight," she shrugs, fiddling with the grass in the soil. "Y'know? Get out of town, get some fresh air, go someplace nice,"

"That would definitely spice up our summer," Liam suggested. "What do you think, 'Livia?"

"I think that would be a splendid idea, darling!" I say in a horrible British accent.

"Olivia called Liam darling, Olivia called Liam darling," Sierra sang, skipping around the picnic blanket.

I stuck my leg out and while she was dancing, she tripped and fell on Liam. I burst out laughing as they groaned, not even realizing the awkward position I had just put them in.

Sierra opened her eyes and saw another pair of eyes staring back at her.

"Erm- are you okay?" Liam scrunched his nose.

"Yeah, Completely okay!" Sierra said sarcastically, shooting an angry look in my direction. "Sorry for, uhm, falling on you."

"Okay come on, break it up love birds." I tease. "You're gonna make me sick,"

Sierra rolls off him lazily and doesn't say another word. I could just imagine how awkward that would be and decide not to do it again.

"I think I'm gonna head home now, suns almost down." Sierra awkwardly points at the sun as if we couldn't see it ourselves.

"Oh no way, I couldn't tell!" I gasp sarcastically.

"Yeah same," Liam got up with a groan. "I'll call you guys later, we should touch base on that idea again."

Liam quickly scurried off, causing Sierra to look in my direction. She opened her mouth but then sighed and mumbled, "On that note, I'm gonna leave too."

She tried to get up but I wouldn't let her escape me just yet.

"Hey wait, what's really going on with you and Liam?" I look at her sympathetically.

She pulled her bag over her shoulder and looked at me with fire in her eyes.

"Nothing. I just want to go back to being his best friend. I'm not some stupid girl thats obsessed with him." and with that she followed after Liam, leaving me alone with my thoughts.



Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter! Feel free to leave your feedback, assumptions and ideas for this book! I can't wait to continue this book, until next time!

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The Road Rage Resort {Olivia Keith's Perspective}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon