Part 2

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Years have gone by and I'm already seventeen. Life has not been easy but still not too hard. After my mother passed on life was never the same. Few days after her death my father brought his "mistress" home and told me that he would be moving in with us. I was too young and too sad to do anything about it. Few months passed and my father brought another man home and told me that he would be living in a poly relationship. I always thought it was funny that they were in a poly relationship since my father was the only one who was allowed to have sex. It was all his rules and they obeyed him in every way. The last time i knew there were 8 men living in his house what a crazy pervert, I really feel sorry for those men. There is just one thing i will never know or understand what the hell they see in him, he is no casanova, he is average in every way, rather stupid and unpleasant, some things are just not for us to understand I guess.

I moved out at 16. I stayed in boarding school for a year to learn to be a librarian and also studied art. I love to write, paint and sing but I have to be realistic it wont be paying my bills. I chose to be a librarian because i love to read and I love peace and quiet.
We don't spend too much time in school, you have to start to earn your keep fast here in the human world but we start school very early and finish early too unless you want to be a doctor and well that is not something that the average Joe can hope to be, it is very expensive and you have to be very intelligent too so there are not many doctors around.

I live in a very small apartment, you can hardly call it an apartment but it will do. It has walls and a roof so that is all I need. I work all day as a librarian and come home to write novels, my life revolves around me and for the moment that is all I need.

In a town were higher beings live there are two men that are dreaming the same dream. They dream of a girl reading books and at night singing the most beautiful ballads. The girl is always alone it but she calls to they're wolfs to come and claim her before it is too late.

They both wake up at the same time and look at each other and both say at the same time "I just had the strangest dream", what does this mean they both say. We are already mates, how can there be another mate out here for us, we are supposed to complete each other, they look at each other and hug each other for they know they're life will never be the same.

Erik met Stone at a young age. They were only twenty when they started to dream about each other. They're wolf was calling out for each other and when they met it was as the story goes, love at first sight. Erik had always been attracted to men all his life, the same could be said about Stone. Both they're wolves were alphas so it was decided that Stone would move to Eriks pack and they would rule it together. Stones brother became the alpha of Stones pack so all was well in both werewolves packs. It took some time and tweaks for both alphas to rule over one pack but time was all they had. Both of them were happy and they had lived together for three hundred years but still the flame burnt strong. They loved each other just as much as they're wolves loved each other so both humans and wolves lived in harmony until that faithful night.

For the last year both humans had been arguing with they're wolves. Wolves were simple creatures they wanted what they wanted and there would be no compromise for they're wants. Both Erik and Stone knew they would not be able to control they're wolves, it was only a matter of time until the wolves would take over and get their mate. Stone and Erik were scared that the woman would destroy they're happy life so they decided to make a plan that they both would agree to. They knew the woman was a human and although there was peace between the higher beings and humans, higher beings did not like humans very much. Humans were mostly greedy and wanted nothing more than get the gifts higher beings could give. They decided to deceive the human by telling her they were both her mates which was true but they would not tell her they both were mates for they thought a human could not accept such a thing.

Both of them wanted children but they could not have children unless it was with they're mate and since both were male it was not possible. They decided to have the human bare a child for the both of then and then reject her, take the child and forget about her. She would be compensated with the gifts and some coins for her troubles, they were not cruel men after all. They just did not want another soul to come between them. They told the pack what was going to happen and forbade anyone to tell the human of their plan and with that off they went to get they're mate.

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