Chapter One: Art, And Sun.

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(Quick AN; This is my very first story so I apologize about how terrible this is. if you end up reading this, I appreciate it.)

A few months after the Fourth Great Ninja War, things started to get alot more peaceful around the village. Evryone was at alot more at peace as well. Except for Y/N that is. Y/N clutched her H/C hair as she looked around the village. She had lost her lucky ring AGAIN. The same ring Neji gave her when she was 13. And it wouldn't feel the same if she got a new one, seeing as that same Neji is now dead. She was going around the village for the 8th time now, her E/C eyes scanning around everywhere for the gold price of jewelry, given to her by her deceased friend. after about the 12th search around, She finally groaned, stressed over loosing something so precious to her.
"Y/N, Did you happen to loose a Peice of jewelry?" she heard a voice behind her. she turned around to see Sai, holding out a peice of gold jewelry, To be exact, it was a gold ring with a sun on it. "Oh! You found it Sai? I've been looking for that for three hours!" Y/N said, quickly grabbing the ring and putting it back on her finger. "Well, its probably because I picked it up two hours ago almost exactly. I've asked everyone I've seen if it was their's and you were the only one I didnt ask." Sai said with his classic smile. Y/N internally facepalmed at how stupid she was for that. she should've just asked! Y/N sighed. "Thanks Sai." she said. Somehow, ever since Sai joined team seven, he was always there at the right time for Y/N. Well, she wasn't surprised, they were best friends after all. "Oh, also," Sai said, reaching into his pocket, "I made a drawing of it, so if we ever lose it again, we can find it easier." Sai said with a big cheesy grin.
Sai was definitely Y/N's Best friend. and nothing more.

The Artist and his SunshineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz