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-moments earlier-

The Chosen One paced.

He stood on the bridge of the Separatist ship he'd commandeered about fifty minutes ago, his stress pushing out into the force around him like a fog.

Thirty minutes.

For thirty minutes he'd been looking for Obi-Wan, but his master was absolutely nowhere to be found.

A low, underlying fear rose in the pit of his stomach and spread beneath his skin like a quiet, itching fever. He pulled at his robes in irritation as he headed out the door again, deciding to try- and likely fail- at using meditation to locate him.

He closed his eyes, standing in the middle of the hall- and focused on his bond with Obi-Wan. The force in this section of his brain was usually where he found all of his serenity- sometimes it scared him how much light his master exuded in the force- but today, it was anxious and weary.

Anakin's itchy fear intensified. He could feel his master panicking.

His breath fell to a steady cadence as he allowed the force to spread and spill through their bond, to take his hand and lead him to his master.

A tug on his mind told him to go down and to the right.

He stood, and raced off down the hall towards the lift. Eagerly, he waved his hand at it and sent the doors closing as soon as he stepped inside. While he rode it down, he paced. Closing his eyes again, he looked for that mental serenity but found it to be scarce. His master's signature was tired, nearly fearful. He prepared to send a questioning feeling through the force when suddenly he was slammed with a sensation of warning coming from their bond.


His eyes shot open and he hurtled from the lift, turning corners and running as fast as his legs would allow him. He paid no attention to where he went; he didn't have to- the force was acting as his guide, autopiloting his legs.

Room after room flew past his vision as the panic in his mind grew, his master's mirrored panic only making it worse.

He felt a loud flash of warning, and his master's voice echoed quietly in his head.

Anakin. Come to me. I need your help.

He shouted angrily, wondering why his feet couldn't move faster. Finally, when he felt himself look to his left out of the window and down into a large, mostly empty storage room, he laid eyes on Obi-Wan, and his stomach dropped. There, below him, his master's blade clashed angrily against two red blades. Squinting, Anakin could barely make out a bald, white head.

"Ventress..." He snarled, whirling and heading down the lift. He shut his eyes, begging the force to protect Obi-Wan until he could get to him. He knew the past week had been incredibly hard on his master, and his fighting abilities would be significantly hindered. He reached a dead end and looked around him hurriedly.

Through their bond, he could feel his older Jedi counterpart tiring out, and quickly. He pounded his fists against a wall, shouting in frustration. When he felt his master's energy take a nosedive, and the feeling of warning shot through their bond again.

Come on, Anakin...

"I'm trying, Master," He bellowed as he pulled his saber from his belt clip, ignited it, and plunged it into the durasteel of the ship's walls. Sweat beaded on his forehead as the heat of melting metal drifted towards him and sent a burning smell into his nose. When he'd finally carved a full circle into the metal, he pushed it away with the force and jumped out, landing on a platform in the facility.

Glancing down, he noticed Ventress had pushed Obi-Wan into a corner. He jumped to the floor, saber at the ready, and bellowed at the sith as he flung the force in her direction, sending her tumbling away from him.

"Get away from him. Now."

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