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His lightsaber hissing to life familiarly in his hand, Obi-Wan Kenobi raised an eyebrow threateningly at the cloaked figure standing before him.

"Well, Ventress. It looks like I have the pleasure of gazing upon your wretched face once again."

The sith laughed, throwing her bald, tattooed head back as her eyes glinted with maniacal, delighted hatred.

"My dearest Obi-Wan- you always did know how to flatter."

Kenobi sighed as he sheathed his saber, glancing behind him to see if Anakin had found his way to him yet. To Obi-Wan's vague dismay, he hadn't. So, grinning as though he knew how he would get out of this, he turned to face her again.

"How could one fail to compliment such a... striking appearance. However, my dear, as much as I'm enjoying our little chat, I'd very much like to leave this ship, and it appears you are in my way."

She reached up, a hand ghosting her chin as she impersonated his habit of stroking his beard when deep in thought. The Jedi rolled his eyes before casting another quick look behind him.

Where is he?

With an aggravated sigh, Obi-Wan decided he did not have the patience required for dealing with the vexing sith anymore and sent a strong force push towards her. She flew to the side, caught off-guard, and he ran past her, heading towards the escape pods. He'd nearly made it out the door when he heard two lightsabers ignite behind him and a succession of quick footfalls.

He sighed again.

I suppose we're doing this then.

Obi-Wan breathed in, harnessing the force and setting his jaw. Then, as he felt her approach, he summoned his before turning around and blocking her strike at the last second, the angry red blades reflecting in the grey-blue of his irises. The intensity contained there made the sith recoil almost unnoticeably.


"Scared, are we?" He mocked, letting one eyebrow raise, the rest of his face remaining immovably blank.

She merely snarled in response, breaking their interlocked sabers and flipping backward to land atop a fuel canister. Obi-Wan glanced nonchalantly about and strolled towards her. He was tired, and didn't feel like challenging her, but he advanced nonetheless.

Impatient, she hissed at him, and he crinkled his brow.

"My my my. Dooku's turning you into his own little pet. You even hiss like one- perhaps a loth cat."

Angered, she leaped from the canister, but he sidestepped effortlessly. She whirled, her sabers swinging swiftly towards him. He blocked again, and this time he grunted when the blue plasma of his saber met hers.

For all of his bravado, he was not in very good condition, nor was he confident in his current fighting capabilities. The past few days had... not been his most enjoyable, and his physical exhaustion was beginning to hinder him, even with the force as his crutch. This made him worried- he wasn't sure he could hold up against Ventress for much longer. A quiet dread pooling in his stomach, he sent a stark warning flashing down his bond with Anakin as he swung at her again.

Anakin. Come to me. I need your help.

Their blades repeatedly clashed against each other as they parried each other's attacks. He'd fought her so many times that he'd begun to recognize some of her techniques, which helped make up for where his fatigue hindered him.

However, after about five minutes of back and forth, the tingling burn on his back started to get to him. She pushed him into a corner, and he glanced wildly about, both hands gripping the hilt of his saber with white knuckles. He squeezed his eyes shut, sending another warning shouting down his bond as she stalked towards him.

Come on, Anakin...

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