21 - The Only Empty Seat

Start from the beginning

I took a deep thoughtful breath as I decided I would do something I had never done before willingly.

I was going to give control of the situation to someone else, more specifically, him.

I didn't know what or if he felt anything towards me except the clear sexual tension we both felt in each others presence so he could chose.

He could chose what I was to him and what he was to me because if I decided I wanted to chose what we became, I would make expectations that would only end up hurting me and I can't do that to myself.

I won't do that to myself.

It was decided, I wasn't in control anymore.

that feels really weird to say, even in my head. ew.

Luckily, I had made my decision right as I approached the two big, wooden doors that lead to the main meeting room and I pushed the left side, opening up the modern room with roughly 15 men sat around the centred black table.

They all talked in a hushed tone to each other creating a constant hum of chatter in the room as I searched for a chair.

The only one available was, of course, the seat at the end of the side table and next to the head of the table's seat.

Damian's seat.

However Damians attention was occupied by Asher who, was opposite the empty seat, so I strolled around the table but as I reached the half way point to my chair, I could feel his stare on me like I was the flame to his moth and he wouldn't look away if someone held a gun to his head and told him to.

I shook off the dizzying feeling in my stomach and the 15 year old girl voice in my head that squealed at the realisation he was looking at me, and continued walking with my head straight forward, allowing him to continue his gaze at me.

Who was I to stop a hot as fuck, god in bed mafia king from looking where he pleases.

And as I thought of that, I had the weirdest feeling, almost as if looking at me pleased him, I wanted him to do it; I wanted to please him.

I clasped the black leather of the top of the seat and pulled it out before sitting down. I gave Asher a small smile as I caught his eye and he nodded his head slightly in return. His face was still and emotionless like always but for some reason all I could think was that it was a show, that behind it was a big fluffy teddy bear that always wanted to play.

I turned my attention to the voice next me, still trying to avoid Damians gaze. "Who are you?" I raised my eyebrows at the man. He had short, rusty red hair. His eyes were a greyish blue with a scatter of faded freckles along his nose and cheeks.

He was slender and looked like he would be tall when standing up. I hadn't seen him around before and I'm usually pretty good at remembering peoples faces. By the way he sat and spoke, I guessed he was new here and that meant he didn't know who I was or what I was capable of.

I'm not really sure why, but I was in the mood to have some fun and a guy that has a big ego and thinks he's better then any woman around him is just too funny not to mess with.

I put on my perkiest face and biggest, fakest smile before answering his earlier question. "Nova, it's so nice to meet you!" My voice was high pitched, somewhat squeaky and so annoying that if I heard it out of anyones mouth, I would've punched them over and over again, making them scream until they lost their voice forever.

However as slender man over here rolled his eyes and chuckled under his breath, he stayed silent, forcing me to speak again.

"What's your name?" I was very quickly getting fed up with this smile I had on, it was fucking hurting my cheeks.

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