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The truth dawned on you as you stepped towards your door.

You probably wouldn't see any of these people until the next multiversal catastrophe (if there ever was one) and that tore you apart on the inside.

What was worse was that you preferred life alongside the other Peters whereas you knew for sure that the Peters preferred it back in their own worlds.

No matter what you wanted, Peter Parker would always need his city, his people and his girl.

You were just an exception to that since weren't a Peter.

The others start to take turns hugging each other as you give a quick wave to Wanda who was speaking to Geurok about the multiverse.

She gave you a sneaky wave back before returning her attention to Geurok's proposition.

You would miss Wanda a bit too.

Suddenly, Gwen attacks you with an embrace.

"You're the only cool Spider-Man." She says jokingly with a grin on her face.

"And you're the only cool Gwen." You reply even if it might've been a bit of a lie, hugging her back.

"I'm going to miss you." She says, "I wish you could come back to our reality, you'd probably be welcome there."

You decline her offer and still manage to smile as you pull away.

You next grabbed Peter 1 into a tight hug. He didn't hesitate to return it.

"This is bye I guess." He says, stepping away.

Tears sprung to your eyes at the thought that you'd never see this guy again. Or at least for a long time.

The sad thing about being a team of superheroes was that you only really met up when the world was in danger and you couldn't see them at any other times.

"Bye." You smile weakly, waving at him as he stepped backwards.

Peter 3 then gave you a hug, "I can't thank you enough for everything." He might've even been crying, "You've always been there even when I.. wasn't..."

Holy shit he was actually crying.

The great Peter 3 was crying!

"It's alright Peter, don't cry." You say, patting him on the back gently and awkwardly.

"I'm not." He says, stepping away and wiping his tears away, "I'm not crying. Nope. Not me."

You smile at him, not afraid to let a tear roll down your own face.

Peter 2 wrapped his arm around you.

"Thank you for saving my leg." He says, "And being the only level headed one around here."

He jokes before grinning at you in return.

"Good luck back in your universe." You tell him as you walk away.

"You too!" He replies softly, turning away.

Now that you'd all said bye to each other, it was time to go through the doors.

You all nod at each other and take your places in front of the portals.

You stare at the picture stuck right in front of your nose as Peter 3 speaks.

"On three." He grips Gwen's hand.

"One-" Peter 2 starts.

"Three-" Peter 1 says at the same time and gets a glare from Peter 2.

"What?" Peter 1 complains, "I thought we were counting from three."

"That's not what on three means." Peter 2 says, rolling his eyes.

"It is." Peter 1 says stubbornly and awkwardly.

"It's not." Peter 2 argues.

You laugh at their argument.

"Maybe we should just go through the portals now." You suggest, chuckling as you say so.

"Good idea." Gwen says, pulling open her door.

You rip the photo from your door and open it revealing a bright white light.

"Woah, that's-" You begin but Peter finishes your sentence.

"Super bright." He shields his eyes with his hands.

"Hurry up Rodrigo Guevara." Gwen says, tugging at her boyfriends wrist as she walks through.

You all share a smile for a brief moment.

A brief moment where all of you understood each other and the fact that you were all on different paths.

A brief moment when you realised that all these adventures were going to be nothing but a mere memory.

A brief moment of remembering you had to smile so that your last minutes together wouldn't be the worst.

A brief moment when you sweat the others were thinking the exact same.

Taking one last look at the others, you take a step towards the light before finally walking through the portal.

And although you were leaving your universe, you were leaving home.

Because, after all, home is where the heart is.

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