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The planet that you had landed on was oddly quiet.

Although, you had to admit, it was very peaceful and relaxing in its own way.

The purple and pink colour scheme looked wonderful and was lit by a neon blue star that made it look all the more magical.

The sky was made from fiery red clouds that surprisingly acted as an efficient oxygenating atmosphere so that you could breathe properly.

Gwen, Wanda, Peter 2 and Peter 3 had never been to space before and it was quite funny watching their reactions as they walked on the unknown terrain.

Doctor Strange had completed a scan that informed you that there were no life forms on this planet other than plant life which made it a perfect place to summon Geurok.

Since Geurok was basically a god, she was everywhere at all times as all beings like her were.

She could easily have been watching you back at home but Doctor Strange said that the concentration of supernatural energy was high in this system which was why you landed here.

You spread out across the surface of the planet, it was quite nice how gravity was a little lighter here so you could jump quite high if you wanted to.

It was fun just messing around with Peter 1 who'd joined in with you until Doctor Strange yelled at you to focus.

"What exactly are we supposed to be doing sir?" Peter 1 asks, itching his neck awkwardly.

"I told you in the ship, weren't you listening?" Doctor Strange enquires, looking down on Peter 1.

Peter 1 just shrugs. You and him both knew that when the ship landed you both ignored Doctor Strange's declaration of the plan and made a handshake instead.

It was 100% worth it and you wouldn't change a thing even if it meant getting yelled at by Strange.

You glance to Peter 1 and then back to the Doctor who was sighing.

"Basically, beings like Geurok hear and answer to thoughts, prayers or more specifically mentions of their names" Doctor Strange says, "So if we think or yell her name, something is bound to happen with this much energ-"

"It's alright," Loki interrupts rather calmly but also patronisingly, "We understand."

Doctor Strange just rolls his eyes and walks forwards, leaving you all with no choice but to follow after him.

Peter 3 and Peter 1 started saying 'Geurok' really loudly but nothing really happened. And no matter how hard you thought, nothing happened either.

You let out a sigh of disappointment as you walk over to Gwen and Wanda who were chatting quietly. They'd clearly given up too.

You join in with the conversation but after about five minutes an idea springs into your head.

You tell the girls and they both thought it was great so you yelled at the others to stop walking and let Wanda do as instructed.

It was pretty cool watching Wanda use her magic to rise far above the ground with gleaming red eyes that somehow didn't look evil.

She shot out huge pulses of energy into the purply red soil, carving out a single name into the planet. The floor rumbled with every hit, feeling sort of like an earthquake had just hit.

Her powers were super cool.

Six letters almost as large as houses filled the land before you but somehow the ground was still rumbling.

You grab tightly onto Peter 3's shoulder whilst the tremors continued to hit.

"Do you see that?" Gwen yelled as she stumbled towards you.

"See what?" You ask, your legs were turning to jelly.

"The light." Gwen finished.

And although the ground was shaking quite loudly, Gwen's words rung out amongst the noise and almost everyone could hear them.

The light grew in size and started to form into a person-like shape until the ground stopped rumbling entirely.

Stood before was the first and hopefully the only universe eater that you'd ever see.

The one that went by the same six letters that Wanda carved into the earth.


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