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You land, placing your feet down on the pavement elegantly.

"It's Spider-Woman!" You hear a little girl yell as he parent drags her away from the toy shop.

"My god." Her mother trembles, noticing you.

You probably looked stupid wearing your suit with a denim jacket over the top but you didn't care.

Here you were basically a feminist icon.

You give the girls a sweet little wave just as you feel a tingle down your spine.

Someone was standing behind you.

You spin around, not surprised at all to see Peter 3.

He was stood in his now clean suit. It was harder to identify him whilst he was wearing his suit and mask but it was undoubtedly him.

It seemed a crowd had started to form. People were taking photos of the 'spider-couple' which was gross. You knew that you had to get away from that and so did he.

He quickly walked into an alley to avoid the public eye.

You follow after him.

"Stalker" You say jokingly to your friend who was grinning at you.

Smiling was one of things that you could tell were happening even if it was hidden by a mask.

"In my defence, I thought it'd be too funny watching you try to find your way around my reality to leave you alone."  He admits, taking his mask off now that you were away from the public, "And also, you'll probably need a guide."

"Yeah, it's weird here," You declare, running your fingers across a dirty wall, "I noticed that Oscorp still exists here."

"You don't have Oscorp?" He asks, a little shocked.

"It got shut down by Mr Stark just after Peter got the spider bite." You say, sitting against the wall.

"Who's Mr Stark?" Peter asks, sitting beside you.

"Iron Man." You say, wondering how he didn't know that. It was very obvious.

"Never heard of him." Peter says, stretching his back, "Sounds lame anyways."

You scoff, Peter must've been joking. Who doesn't know Iron Man? Maybe he just doesn't have him in his universe? Unlikely. It was probably a bad joke but try not to dwell on it.

"Spider-Man!!! Spider-Woman!!!" You hear someone shout and realise that it was time to move to a new location.

The two of you swing to a rooftop away from the public for definite this time.

"How are we supposed to find this creature then?" You ask, "We have no way of identifying what it looks like or anything."

"I guess we just have to wait until it turns up." Peter shrugs.

"Yeah, until people start dying? How fair is that?" You argue but Peter was distracted by something else.

His phone began to ring.

The sound of his ringtone echoed in your head like a migraine. You had no idea how he put up with it.

You expect it to be his aunt or something but when his hand starts shaking and his wrists start trembling you realise that it must be someone else.

Peter barely managed to get the words out of his mouth. His throat sounded dried up and he looked as if he was trying to hold back tears.


A/n: It's pretty dramatic right now which is awesome but to interrupt the intense scene I'm just gonna ask if any of you have any book ideas or like specific film/series requests that you want me to write about once I've finished this one. If not it's cool it just would be nice.

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