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It was Gwen who spoke up first.

"I'm with whatever Peter says." She says, clutching Peter 3's hand tightly and looking up at him in adoration.

Peter 3 glances between you lot as if he was trying to decide something.

The multiverse had its perks for him. I mean, it'd sort of brought back his girlfriend and he probably didn't want to risk losing her again.

"I want to remember. Don't take away my memories." He declares, "I don't want to loose.."

As you thought, he was putting his girlfriend first again.

"...my friends."

Or not.

He glanced between you guys with a slick grin on his face.

"I'm the same." You return his smile, surprising Geurok who looked slightly taken aback that you'd declined her offer.

When Peter 1 and Peter 2 do the same Geurok simply nodded.

"As you wish." She says, "But, I will offer you safe trips home though."

The being raised her hands in the air and four golden doors erupted from the ground like magic.

Each door had a little something stuck onto the wood to make it obvious where it lead.

One of them had a little red and blue spider dangling from the frame, there was no doubt that belonged to Peter 2, he'd shown you a photo of his spider before.

Another had a little name tag that said 'Rodrigo' on it. You weren't sure who that belonged to but comparing it to the others you could guess it was Peter 3's. Mainly because it was just weird.

The other door had a little black necklace on and knowing that Peter 1's MJ liked dark stuff, it had to be his door.

And the last door. It had to be yours.

The last door had one photo taped onto it. A photo that you burned a long time ago.

It was a group photo of all your friends. You, Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy, Matt Johnson and... Peter Parker. Your Peter Parker. The Peter Parker that you couldn't save. The only friend who you thought you knew so well.

You swallow, staring at the door.

"As you can see," Geurok continues, "Each door is a portal to your universe and I understand that you are all smart enough to know which."

You all nod back at her.

"I'd like to thank you for your kindness, your courage and your intelligence. Farewell." She says, giving you all a winning smile before she hovered away to speak to the magical ones.

The four of you hung in silence once again, everyone was staring at their doors in awe.

"I guess this is it then." Peter 3 says, not taking his eyes off the tag on the door.

"I think so."

You clench your jaw as your gut somersaulted. You weren't sure that you could handle the goodbyes that were to come.

Your stomach churns as you wonder why you had a feeling that you didn't exactly want to go back to your the universe with your friends and family.

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