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"Sorry what-" You say, not expecting a statement as bold as that.

However, your reply was cut off by one of the Doctor Stranges grabbing you by your arm and pulling you through the portal.

"We'll explain in a minute." She says grumpily, watching as you crumple to the sanctum's floor.

The Doctor Stranges walked away from you and into another portal that one of them had created.

Your head hurt a little from hitting the floor but you were stable enough to notice the orange sparkles behind you as they flickered and faded into nothingness.

You had long since left the storage cupboard now.

You rotate your head, groaning slightly. You were winded slightly from the fall.

The light filtered in through a window near the roof, making the floor of the room glow a warm yellow.

The floor you were laid on was marble and cold and in the corner of your eyes you could see orange sparkles making it certain where you were.

You were inside a sanctum of the mystic arts, only this one was busier than you'd ever seen one be.

There was absolutely no way of telling which multiverse you were in.

I mean, you were hardly an expert. You only knew of four existing for certain. But you had to credit yourself that you were probably one of the rare few in the whole multiverse that knew of its existence.

That was particularly impressive considering that you were only a teenager.

The Doctor Stranges popped in and out of portals as if it were nothing, making the room look more like a magical train station than a sanctum.

Besides the Doctor Stranges bustling about, you could notice the odd person dressed differently.

There was this guy with greasy black hair and a green suit. He had these weird gold horns on his head for no reason.

You weren't one to judge and only decided that you didn't like him when glared at you but that was probably because you were staring.

A young geekish Doctor Strange holding a book looked at you as if you were scum.

You were a little offended considering the boy was probably no older than ten but he did have a reason to look at you like that.

You must've looked like a pretty hopeless crumpled heap on the floor. Especially since you were only wearing school clothes.

"Is this some kind of Hogwarts?" You say to yourself as you pull yourself up, adjusting your glasses.

You weren't really sure why you still wore glasses since your spider abilities had fixed the problem with your eyes.

You tuck them into your trouser pocket as you straighten your back, shrugging it off.

You probably looked like a random school kid like this. You were thankful that you had your spider-suit in your backpack.

You sigh, about to take a step forward and try to find a Doctor Strange that you knew but end up freezing in your tracks before you'd even moved.

You were completely surprised by a familiar voice behind you.

A voice that sent a tingle down your spine.

"Long time no see."

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