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(Third person PoV)

Eagleclaw rosed from his nest to the see the deputy, Markstripe, glaring at him.

"Ok ok, I'm coming out. Keep your fur on," Eagleclaw muttered.

"Uh oh, looks like Eagleclaw is getting in trouble again," he heard Foxsky snicker to Droptail.

"Wouldn't be the first time he's late for dawn patrol," Droptail snickered back.

Eagleclaw flicked his tail at their direction before leaving the warrior's den.

He took a long deep breath at the fresh morning air.

He really didn't want to do dawn patrol...but if he didn't go, Markstripe would chew him out (again).

"Eagleclaw! Hurry up!" Pinepaw complained, jumping up and down.

"Be patient Pinepaw!" Larksong snapped and she quieted down.

"Sorry for making you all wait," Eagleclaw yawned.

"Nah it's ok," Larksong assured him.

He was the only friendly face in the patrol though.

Berrywind and Mapleheart looked more annoyed if anything, Pinepaw was impatient, Frogsplash was moving side to side, itching to go out and Wheatpaw looked pissed.

Yeah it's not ok, Eagleclaw thought.

"Come on, let's go already before Frogsplash busts a muscle," Wheatpaw mewed.

"Hey don't talk to your mentor like that!" Frogsplash snapped.

Wheatpaw rolled their eyes at this.

Larksong led the patrol out to the borders that connects Rainclan's territory to Nightclan's.

There were no new scents.

The scent on their border hasn't staled yet so they didn't need to remark it.

Then the patrol went to the other border.

To Eagleclaw, this was very boring chores. Wake up, go on patrol, check the borders, re-scent them if they are stale, maybe hunt if possible, return and repeat.

For dawn patrol at least.

Eagleclaw never really liked dawn patrol. He gets why it's important but he really wished he didn't have to go.

But he must since Rainclan doesn't have a whole lot of warriors on hand at the moment.

There are few apprentices and only two kits who are close to being apprentices, there is also not that much hope for them.

If no current warriors die before the apprentices become warriors and the kits become apprentices.

Eagleclaw kneaded the ground with his paw, nervously as he thought about this.

He, like any cat, has seen his fair share of death. He only wished that it didn't hit so hard.

"Rabbit!" Pinepaw's meow snapped him out of his thoughts.

She chased after the fuzzy small tail into a couple of bushes.

Wheatpaw rolled their eyes and ran after their denmate.

"Wait you two!" Frogsplash yowled after them and ran towards them.

After a while, the three of them emerged with Pinepaw holding the rabbit in her mouth.

A Divided Cat (OC Warrior Cat story) Book#1Where stories live. Discover now