1- New neighbor

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It was a normal day in my life, the café I own is a screaming success! Warm summer breezes come and go like a wave. Birds chirping from ear to ear, kids laughing throughout the playground nearby.

"Today is perfect. I can't wait to get home and take a nice relaxing bath." I sighed, using my right hand as a chin rest while I stared out the window.

"I know right, my kids are planning to go to the pool soon." A customer added.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were here. What would you like?" I said, fixing my posture.

"It's fine. Um..I'll have an espresso."


"Aghh.." I sighed. "Today was packed, it seems like everyone in the area knows about my shop by now," I said, locking up the café. "At least I can see familiar faces every now and then."

It was a quiet night, instead of birds chirping. There were cricket chirps and owl hoots every so often. There was a full moon tonight, with stars twinkling around it.

"Alright, time to go home." I exhaled.

When I arrived at my apartment floor, I could slowly feel my legs tire out. I searched my pockets for the keys to my apartment just a few feet away, but before I could get the instant relief of knowing I didn't lose them, I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, backing up to give them space.

"It's okay, no reason to apologize! all my stuff is in the way so it's really my fault," The stranger replied, giving a bow to show his worry.

I looked closer at his features, to see someone I've never seen before. I couldn't see his hair or part of his face. Mainly because he had a black hat and mask on, but I could read his eyes easily. Scanning the area, I looked around to see about five to six boxes and his apartment number.

"It's fine. How about for an apology, I can help you move the boxes inside your apartment."

"But-" he uttered.

"I insist." I looked at him dead in the eyes.

"O-okay, but I'll do something for you in return!" He said eagerly.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." I chuckled.

After I helped him, I left to go to my apartment. Which wasn't that far, since it was right next to his. He seemed a bit surprised, yet happy to see me be his neighbor. As I entered my apartment, I walked to my bathroom and drew myself a bath. I grabbed my phone to put music on, until I saw the date.

I quickly took a bath and got dressed. And right when I finished I heard the door open and close along with a small click.

My body knew who it was, my heart started beating rapidly each time he called out to me, slurring his words, he was obviously drunk. I knew that there was nothing that I could do, no matter how much my soul wanted to fight back. With the adrenaline introducing itself to my system, I ran to the bedroom to find any other way out.

Feeling hopeless I opened the window next to my bed, searching for anything to help me out of my situation. But, as expected the ground was too far down. I wanted to jump. I needed to jump, even though the thought of jumping from this height made my stomach turn.

Hearing loud footsteps slowly emit from the other room, I laid down in bed covering myself in the sheets, waiting; Waiting for anything to happen. I could only hear my racing heart and heavy breaths, the silence was getting louder and louder. I couldn't stand it-

"Found ya."

I'll save you [Izuku x Fem Reader Story]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz