Noticing the Unnoticed (Ernie MacMillan)

Start from the beginning

"I, uh, I think I'll stay for a bit" he says, looking up at me when I stood, ready to leave "You know, to just read a bit"

I nodded at that and turned to leave without waving him goodbye. I had thought of his request to help him review as a chance for us to get close. Turns out I thought wrong. I shake my head and walk faster to Ravenclaw tower, ignoring the way my heart ached a little at the thought of him staying back to gaze onto Marigold for a bit more.

"And that's how we predicted that my future would have its next phase during something related to sports" I smiled at Ernie as I connected the numbers and made the conclusion. He looked confused, but still nodded.

We were at the yard this time and I'm hoping that we don't find as many disctractions here as there was a day ago. There were a few students running and messing around, but nothing bad enough to have as relocate again.

"I'm sorry, but can we go over that again?" He asked with a shy smile. Throwing my head, I laugh at his adorable demeanor.

Nodding, I get up off the grass and pat away any left over grass or sticks on my skirt.

"Yes, we can. Just let me get a few more supplies" He nods at that and I walk in a brisk pace to the Great Hall. I'd usually find a few Ravenclaws at the Great hall and they don't mind sharing a few supplies if it meant for the greater good of knowledge.

I let my eyes go over the students that were left in the Great Hall before I spot Luna on the Gryffindor table with Potter, Weasley, and Granger.

"Luna!" I call for her as I walked in her direction. she turns to look at me and gives me a hazy smile

"Blaine! To what do I owe the pleasure?" she asks in her whispy and light voice

"I need a few quills and some parchment. Do you have any extra? I promise I'll pay you back for them. I just really need them at the moment and I'm not sure if I want to visit Ravenclaw tower for them then just come back down"

"Right of course of course" She reaches into her bag of wonder and I completely forgot that Granger, Weasley, and Potter were there.

"Hi" I say as I look at each of them.

"Hey" Weasley says as Potter smiles back

"Here," Granger starts as she stretches a hand out for me with a few parchment and some quills "I have a lot and sharing is caring, right?" she grins at me "Go on, take it" I slowly reach a hand to grasp it, thanking her in the process

"Here you go" Luna says as she also hands me a few more parchemnt and some ink and quill

"Uhm, thank you for these" I say as I look at the both of them "I promise I'll pay you back when we go for Hogsmeade" I shout as I start walking away and running back to the yard.

I turn the last corridor which leads to the yard when I'm met with a disturbing sight. Ernie was there, harassing a bunch of first year Ravenclaws. The nerve of that man! Even after asking for help from a Ravenclaw, he still decides to mess with the ones who can't defend themselves yet.

"Ernie! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shout as I neared him, pulling my wand out and pointing it to his direction

"Woah, Blaine I-"

"You ask me for help in an exam and you decide to harrass the first years from my house the moment I go away?" I heave, helping a first year who I recognize as Deroda. He had asked me for directions when he had strayed from the group and since then, he kinda particularly went for me when he needed help with something

"Blaine, it's not what it loo-" He tried to explain as he walked towards me. I immediately brought my wand back up to his direction. A few students had started to circle us by now, but I could care less about them right now

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