Eric walked me to the building.

"See ya later Elly."

"Mm yeah Eric! Bye~"


I smiled as i kept the coffee on Enzo's table. I was going through his schedule.

"Good morning."

Came his not-so-cheerful voice.

There used to be a time when Enzo used to greet me cheerfully and i answered him with a stern and serious tone. Funny how the tables have turned.

"Good morning sir!"

"Drop the honorifics Elle."

"Okay sir."

I answered as I winked at him.

He shook his head.

I don't understand why Enzo seems less cheerful than before. He hasn't been visiting me at my place anymore. It just makes me so upset.

There's this loneliness i still feel when Enzo is not around. I wanna talk this out with him but he lowkey avoids me.

"Umm Mr William?"


"Uh Enzo?"


"Do you think you can come over at my place today? I was thinking of cooking a new dish i recently learned..I thought maybe you would like it.. "

I started off hesitantly.

"I have plans. Sorry."


I pressed my lips against each other. I was starting lose hope that Enzo would ever feel anything for me.

It hurts when he rejects me like that.


I spoke in a quiet voice.


He said coldly while typing something on his computer.

I bite my lip lightly trying not to show him my hurt face.

"Okay. Have a good day."

I walked back in my cabin and closed the door behind me, leaning against it.

I never once neglected him or any of my friends, not even Vitaly. We both used to check up on each other every now and then. I made sure i spend time with everyone.

And Enzo was always my first priority still he treats me that way. What brought so much change in him?


With a upset face i entered Eric's tattoo shop.

"Hey how was your day?"


"Doesn't look like it. Wanna talk?"

He sat next to me.

"E-enzo won't even look at me these days.."

I let out. He gently rubbed my back and said.

"Hmm I haven't talk to him since a few days. He barely picks up my calls. Maybe he is frustrated cause of work?"

"How? Do you know how I have started to do half of his work? I don't think he should be busy! His schedule says otherwise!"

I exclaimed a little.

"Okay, Elle calm down.. we'll talk with him."

"I called him at my place for dinner. He just... Said... No?"

Crush To Boss. ✓ [MAJOR EDIT]Where stories live. Discover now