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Elle Miller

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Elle Miller.

I knocked on Enzo's cabin. I heard a faint 'come in' followed by a laughter.

I opened the door curiously to see Vitaly sitting on one couch with both of his legs resting on the coffee table while Enzo on another couch as legs were spread.

Both of them were laughing and talking. They looked so lazy at the same time so hot.

Daddy material.

But i noticed something, different. Vitaly was spinning something in his hands which looked like a gun! A GUN?!

My steps halted and eyes widened in horror capturing the attention of both men.

Oh let me tell you. There are some things on earth which are very terrifying for me; huge men with guns and tattoos, and drunk people.


Vitaly said as he and Enzo quickly adjusted themselves sitting in a proper way.

"A g-gun?"

I stuttered taking a step back. Vitaly got up and carefully walked towards me, 'worry' written on his handsome face.

"Elle its not what you think it is-"

He was cut off by a thud caused by me bumping against the close door.


I whispered and he sighed in relief.


I sat on a tall chair in a bar as i had my brown hoodie on. Luckily, Enzo and Vitaly were dressed casually, a sweater. Glad i did not over dressed.

Vitaly said he wanted to talk but not in a work environment. So he invited me at this random but expensive bar.

Ofcourse i was gonna drink Sprite as usual.


Vitaly spoke as held the small glass of whiskey in his hand.

"Uh.. my family does some Mafia kind of business.."

I looked at him a bit carefully.

"Don't you worry. I am not in the mafia. Yes i was trained for becoming a tough guy but trust me, Elle, I'm not in the mafia, my other brothers are."

Crush To Boss. ✓ [MAJOR EDIT]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin