Knights Of Broken Hearts

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An unmovable boulder of a sizeable mass,
Blocking in the path leading to prosperity;
Or an exam with lowest chance to pass,
Is what you seem like,to the pursuers of your purity.

You are but a princess of dazzling elegance,
Locked in the highest room,of the tallest tower;
Built by your own vanity and arrogance,
Guarded by a beast born from your own self-serving fever.

When even the knights of strongest might and highest chivalry,
Couldn't conquer your ignorant and prideful heart's territory.
How a weakling like myself,with a mind unconfident and weary,
Could claim your love,which was a priceless heavenly glory.

Still I,with the sword of my genuine heart and the shield of my persistant will,
Tried to climb the stairs,adding a line to the broken hearts' chronicle.

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