The Girl In My Dream

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I can't see you in the broad daylight

Only when night time falls,you come as a dark sprite

In my eyes,no image appears nor with my hands,I can hold you tight

For you are formless,shapeless and I'm not sure about you how to write

You won't talk to me nor I can speak

In your presence,no word would form in my mind to preach

Only the emotions rise in the surrounding bleak

And our feelings,to each other,they gradually reach

Some would ask me how do you know something you can't even hold?

Then I would answer,with the eyes of your heart to unfold

For feelings like love and hate,exist we were told

Though they can't be hold,we feel them in our hearts as they mold

Like those feelings,you reside in my own thoughts of stream

For you are a girl whom I can only meet in my dream

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