Chapter 2: Kidnapped

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[You will find some Italian words. I underlined them, if you don't understand it. You can go to the end of the last page and see each word what the meaning of it. Thank you and enjoy chapter 2]

Vanessa Espada, a beautiful 21 year old girl. Raised by her cruel father in a hidden mansion in the center of Italy. Knowing her terrible faith since a young age, she knew not a day have past her life is not threatened.

Raised without a mother, she felt lonely all the time. She had no friends because she couldn't really go out. No social media, no communication with the outside. No everything. She always wished to be normal like other girls.

She usually spend her day in her room listening to music, reading stories, and writing her diary. She has everything accept freedom. She was never interested with her father's meetings. She find them quite boring and not useful in anything.

As she was writing in her diary on her bed in the afternoon, someone knocked on the door. She closed her diary quickly and locked it in her drawer. "Come in~" Her father enter her room. "Papa? What are you doing here?" He walked to her and sat on the bed. "Nothing.... Just came to check on you."

She glanced at her father's pocket and saw a gun. She stood up brutally and shouted "how many times did I tell you not to bring with you l'arma di satana (satan's weapon) to my room" he sighed and said "stop shouting Vanessa. You know this gun should always be with me principessa* . Anyways I heard about your request to go to the mall. Like always you will be accompanied with 5 of my bodyguards. Don't talk to strangers understood?"

She nodded. "Bueno*! I have work to do. I will see you when you return." She went to her walk-in closet and picked up some clothes. She went to take a bath and wore a beautiful off shoulder red crop with a black leather skirt with bloody red high heels. She grabbed her Gucci bag and went outside to meet her bodyguards.

"We located her signore*. In LaVida centro commerciale*." His deep dark eyes lightened up while a smirk formed on his face. He snapped his fingers and said "Come on men! Our work started. It's time to deal with her." He walked out of the mansion followed by a number of disguised man, and they went into huge black jeeps and drove away.

"Capo* we got eyes on her at the mall." One of the hitman stated. "Bring her to me right now!" Vanessa was surrounded by her bodyguards, she finally finished buying her new expensive clothes and walked out to go to their call. When all of the sudden, gunshots were heard. A bodyguard held Vanessa down on the floor while the others pulled out their guns.

Everything was chaos, people were running panicking and screaming. Vanessa, who's laying on the floor, was scared. As she looked up to her bodyguards, the four bodyguards were shot straight to the head and there corpse collapsed on the floor quickly. The bodyguard that was on top of her pulled his gun to kill the man that were coming but at his turn he was shot to death too.

Vanessa left everything behind her and run away. She run and run, entering different kind of roads. Pushing people away, until she reached a dark alley. She was taking her breath. Until a black car stopped in front of the alley and disguised man came out of it. She looked terrified and was about to run when someone grabbed her by the arms.

She looked up at him, his dark eyes met hers. She couldn't see his face correctly because of the dark but she felt he was handsome. She tried to scream for help but he closed her mouth with his hand "I dare you to scream." He said with a husky voice. She tried to escape him, but the more she moved the more his grip gets tighter.

He held her in a bridal style way and went to the jeep. As she sat down, he grabbed something from his pocket and sprayed her face with some strange kind of solution. Everything started to feel blurry and she passed out on one of the bodyguards shoulders. Elie smirked and looked at the small perfume he was holding "svendendo profumo*. It never failed me." He put it back and his pocket and order the driver to take him back home.

When Gilbert heard about his daughter kidnapped, he ripped his shirt into two while screaming. Alfredo, who warned him many times about Elie, looked at him and said "I told you not to mess with him. If your daughter gets killed, don't blame any of your crew. You've only got yourself to blame. And don't expect me to be here to save your daughter. Good luck helping her." He took his office case and left.

Gilbert took his gun out of his drawer and run to his crew. "I want my daughter alive! You understand?!" All the crew looked at him terrified. From this moment on, they went searching for the girl, knowing their job is going to be difficult specially because they are facing Liberalo .

850 Word

•principessa: princess
•Bueno: good
•signore: Sir
•centro commerciale: mall
•Capo: Boss
•svendendo profumo: passing out perfume

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