𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

Start from the beginning

In the day of the Second task, plenty of Harry's friends are missing upon his arrival at the Black lake where enormous crowds of students towers everywhere he looked. When he looks up, there are plenty of people cheering and clapping. It was the same when he looked nauseously around him as he walked towards the platform where the rest of the champions are.

There were two things he noticed right away. One; Aurora. She's not here. He couldn't see her no matter where he gazes. And two; Fleur was looking around manically as well, arms folded in front of her from the cold wind. It made Harry nervous, knowing his cousin and two dear friends isn't anywhere where he could see them.

"Harry." Cedric pats his back, almost a shove to get his head in the game when Bagman started to count from three.

Before they knew it, the cannonball flew across the lake and three particular wizards activated their bubble head charm with a flick of a jittery wand. While Cedric, Fleur and Harry — albeit listening to Aurora's advice about the charm she told him — dove right in with a see through bubble on their faces, Viktor Krum transfiured into a shark but not all the way, enough to have legs but a head that resembles a great white shark.

The cold waters went through them and the crowd cheering became a subtle, distant mutter when they swam deeper in the lake.

Against better judgement, Fleur was too in over her head, swam deeper than the others and into tall seaweeds that nearly blocked her vision of everything around her. Sensing something moved behind her, she whips her head around and points her wand but nothing appears but green water plants.

Before she knew it, she was dragged underwater and is been forced to come to ashore.

Harry reached the point to see an underwater village roaming with merpeople viciously with their weapons of some sort. It only made him swim faster, seeing Ron Weasley submerged with no protection spell or charm around him like he — Harry — has. He then looks at the others, seeing not only Hermione and Cho, but Aurora as well with their hair floating carelessly around them like aura.

Pointing his wand to free Ron, Harry holds him by the cloak securely to not let him roam with no gravity underground. Before he could attempt to try and free Hermione who was closest, both Cedric and Krum arrives in a race and immediately saves their beloved in a haste. However, Cedric got the upper hand as he swam faster when Krum had troubles freeing Hermione but later on came to shore with spare seconds to give.

On the platform, seeing the hostages made Fleur's skin go cold in realizing it wasn't a thing that was captured. It was someone and seeing as Aurora was nowhere to be seen, she grew frantic and began to want to go back but was held back by peers and Madam Maxime herself. "No! Let me go back!" Fleur desperately pleads and even Cedric — who was freezing cold — came and helped to stop Fleur before she gets herself hurt.

At this point, Elias and Daphne rushes down the champion's post, both of them nearly at the edge of the platform to oversee the shallow waters and feared the worst.

"She's my friend too!" Harry exclaims after attempting to free Aurora who seemed to be in an unharmed sleeping charm. Though he wasn't sure if she was breathing, seeing as she did not have a bubble mask like he did.

"Only one!" Sneered the creature in warning to go.

Harry couldn't leave her. Then again, he can't leave Ron too and he did not want to choose between them. So he looks around anxiously, impatiently waiting for Fleur to ever arrive but it was just the merpeople swimming around, as if guarding the hostages to maximum security.

Taking a risk, Harry went against the rules and severed the rope attached around Aurora's ankle that freed her. Grabbing her in a haste, Harry swam upwards with two figures and evaded a spear that was thrown overhead of him from behind. It made him swim faster but stopped, the charm that made him breathe underwater began dispersing suddenly.

Just before he could see the light that would save them, Harry was pulled under by Grindylows and he pushed Ron and Aurora's figures upwards with all his strength, leaving him to fight off an enormous numbers of sea creatures.

Coming up the waters, Aurora breathes in a large amount of air she didn't know she needed. All she knew was she was agreeing of Dumbledore's idea of replacing Gabrielle's position since she was underage and too young to be participating in such curricular. Now she was swimming to shore, pushing Ron to go first and the loud cheering made her deaf.

"Ow, ow." Aurora pants, being pulled up the wooden floors by Elias and then Fleur who captures her shaking figure before it hits the ground. It did, they both stumble on the floor.

"Somebody get a towel!" Elias yells over the shouts, standing up to get it himself.

"Oh — I'm so sorry, Aurora." Fleur flung herself to the shivering Black who was taken physically aback, holding her waist and had no recollection of why Fleur is apologizing. "I should've gotten there if it wasn't for the —"

"— Okay, okay, Delacour, poor girl's freezing here." Elias announces after hopping down the platform with two towels, charmed it to a warm temperature before wrapping it around Aurora who exhales, clutching it to a ball in front of her. "How you feeling?" He asks, kneeling in front of two.

"Who. . . the hell decided to do this in the middle of february?" Aurora gapes out and made Elias laugh, patting her shoulder before Fleur hugs her apologetically again. It made Aurora's shuddering state slowly stop, hearing Fleur whisper apologies by her ear made her sigh. "I'm okay, Fleur." She assures.

The two partially didn't listen to the announcement of Harry getting in second place anymore. But with knowing, Aurora looks past Fleur's shoulder and up the higher platform to see her cousin. She mouths, 'Thank you.' In which Harry returned with a smile. Aurora could see his major bruises and cuts slashed on his face and neck. It made her frown and look down, wondering if that were to happen to Fleur too.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐲 ; Fleur DelacourWhere stories live. Discover now