Noise from the loft

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You and Jonny were in the car with Adam. You in the front, your boyfriend driving and Adam in the middle back seat. Jonnys hand rested on your thigh as it always did when he drove.

"You really are shit at driving" Adam says

"Well I didn't have to give you a lift" jonny says back

"And would you take your hand off shitfaces thigh. It makes me uncomfortable" he said complaining.

"Pussface" I said to get his attention


"Shut up" and he did. I have control over these boys and it is brilliant. We pulled into the Goodman drive and got out the car. Jonny held my hand as we entered the house. But it seemed weirdly empty. You couldn't hear Jackie complaining to Martin. Or Martin talking about random crap. It was silent

"Jackie?" I said unsure as we stepped inside and checked the rooms

"Maybe they went to jump off a cliff" Adam says

"Ye cuz they knew you were coming and couldn't bare to see your face pussface" I said to him. Jonny smirked and gave me a kiss as we check all downstairs rooms. Then we heard a big bang coming from upstairs.

"Shit" we all said in unison. It sounded like someone had fell but when we got upstairs, dissapointment was in the air. The loft (attick) hatch was open and we could hear Jackie complaining to Martin.

"I hate it up here. Would you hurry up" she says

"Oh shit on it" Martin yells as another crash is heard. Jackie comes down to greet us and gives us all a kiss.

"Hi love. You look lovely" she says to me.

"Thanks Jackie. What ya doing up there?" I ask

"We keep hearing a noise at night. Martin says there is nothing there but it sounds like a rat." She explained

"Hang on. There was a rat and you went up. I thought you hate rats" jonny said.

"Your bloody father said he had caught it. Turns out he just wanted me up so he could jump out at me. Bugger" Martin then came down with no shirt on. As usual.

"Evening bambino. Bambina" he said to us.

"Warm?" Adam asked

"Boiling" We all replied. Me and jonny walked down the stairs not wanting to know what was up there. Everyone followed us down. We got in the lounge and I took my usual spot on jonnys lap with my head on his shoulder. Adam came and tried to sit on me but I just kicked him off and onto the floor before he scrambled up back on the sofa.

"I need you 3 up to help me find whatever your mother was rambling on about" Martin told us as he walked in


"Absolutly not"

"Piss off" the replies of me, jonny and Adam. Jackie walked in and said

"After dinner Martin. Im not having them covered in shit at the table"

"Lovely" I muttered as jonnys hand went on my thigh.

"Go set the table" Jackie said to us 3 on the sofa. She only needed one of us so Adam looked at me

"I would pussface. But, I've got really bad period cramps" I said as I frowned.

"Like 2 weeks ago when dad wanted you to help move boxes?" He said. I use that excuse alot.

"Just like that" I said as he got up rolling his eyes. Truth is, I was on my period last week so I was lying  both times. But when you got through the pain, lying doesn't really affect you. Females, use it to your advantage. One of the few good things about being a female.

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