Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!

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"H-Heh! F-Frieza m-might've knelt before you." Nail spoke.

Piccolo had an irritated look upon his face.

"Oh, you're saying my strength will be even higher if I merged with Kami?" Piccolo said sarcastically. "Well, there's no way in Hell that's happening! Me and that old bastard separated for a good reason, I don't need him, I fight my own battles!" Piccolo growled.

Nail looked at Piccolo with desperation.

"N-No, you're wrong! Alone you'll fare no better than I against Frieza. And as you could see, I did not fare well at all." Nail spoke weakly.

Piccolo stood there quietly, contemplating Nail's words.

'Could what he's saying really be true?' Piccolo thought to himself.

After bringing himself back from his thoughts, Piccolo looked back down at Nail.

"Well, even if that were true, there's no helping it now. Besides. My life is my own. I have NO intention of ever merging with Kami!" Piccolo said.

Nail's breathing became even more labored than before.

"Th-Then...Ngh...Merge with me...!" Nail said struggling to speak. Piccolo looked at Nail with confusion. "I-I might...not seem much, in this state... Ngh! B-But a proud tradition dies with me!" Nail spoke, looking at Piccolo with pleading eyes.

At that moment, the entire planet began to quake violently! It was Frieza's power, Piccolo clenched his fists while looking in the direction the energy was coming from! Nail again tried once more to appeal to Piccolo.

"P-Please, I don't have long for this world. You need only to place your hand upon me. I swear upon my honor, you yourself will remain intact, my personality will evaporate. Only my strength will persist." Nail explained.

Piccolo took a minute to think about his decision.

"And why should I believe you?" Piccolo asked with uncertainty. Nail looked back at Piccolo.

"B-Because I know you can sense Frieza's energy, what choice do you have but to trust me!" Nail said.

Sweat began to pour down Piccolo's face, as he knew Nail was right. Frieza's power level was greater than his, and without any aid, what good would he be in the oncoming fight?

"Tch! Alright fine! We'll, try it!" Piccolo said hesitantly, as he knelt beside Nail, placing his hand upon his arm. "But listen, if I feel for a second that you're up to something, I'll drive you right back out!" Piccolo threatened.

Nail began to laugh weakly.

"H-Heh! H-How Kind, and here I am, passing on the greatest gift a Namekian can give." Nail sarcastically spoke. Piccolo rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Look, I'm a bit strapped for time here!" Piccolo said impatiently.

"B-Be sure...You make...Frieza...P-Pay...!" Nail said, finding it difficult to breathe.

"Yeah, well that is what I came here to do. Now hurry before I have second thoughts, and no tricks!" Piccolo warned.

Nail's mouth curved into a smirk, as his body began to glow! Piccolo felt a strange tingling sensation pass through his arm, into his whole body! Slowly Nail's body was covered in a blinding light and consumed the countryside! When the light faded, Piccolo saw that Nail had vanished. Piccolo began to breathe heavily, as he felt this newfound power consume his body. He stood up, and studied his hands, feeling the combined power of Nail and himself.

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