chapter 3

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I've spent days replaying the entire scene with charlotte after what happened. I couldnt get it out of my head. I felt so- small. So- lame. How could she be- just so- mean? What did i ever do to her? She always goes around bossing people about. WHat does she have that I don't? I mean- that gorgeous shiny sparkly shimmery white blonde waist length hair of hers, and- and- her bright blue like the sky and the ocean blue sparkly orbs....

And what she said about Axel....... I thought he liked me, i thought he was the one for me...... but i guess not anymore. He chose her, of course he did. Who wouldnt? He wouldn't like the odd girl whos isn't like everyone else, who's just- different.


One morning i woke up- and decided. I am me. I am strong. I don't need axel, and charlotte has no power over me. Who even is she? To think that SHE, can boss around ME, Bella arabella kentucky olivie rav'n faery walter? I decided that I will confront her today, and show her who the REAL boss is. Im gonna walk up to her and her posse in the middle of the cafeteria, and tell her all i think about her RIGHT in her face. Ill give her a taste of her own medicine, see how she likes that.

So I got out of bed, filled with excitement, and started picking out an outfit.

My mood today: boss bitch

This means, that I put on my hot pink crop top with short feathery purple sleeves, my tight baby pink glittery leggings, and knee length gorgeous black boots. And of course, how could i forget, my signature bright yellow hat with painted purple flames.

For jewelry, I went with my set of pink metal chain necklace and bracelet, and my fav pink pony earrings.

Time for the star of the show - makeup. I use my makeup artist skills to draw winged black eyeliner with hot pink eyeshadow all over my lids. I use my new mac lipstick, the brightest shade of red, my all time favorite! And how could i forget my bright pink blush. That will defo scare the poop out of her.

I was ready to go and slay the day. This is only the start of the battle.


I was walking down the stairs into the dining hall. I was already scanning all the halls for her - my greatest enemy. We all know who that is.

And then - I spotted her. The one and only charlotte, walking down the hall with her posse, on her new set of bright pink high heels that make her look awkwardly tall.

I take a deep breath, and stride towards her.

"Listen here you freaking b-word! If you think that youre such a queen and can have everything u want at the wave of a magic wand, and can boss everyone around, well guess what barbie girl, you CAN'T. Just because youre blonde and people are scared of you, doesnt magically make u the queen of the world. And if you think axel wants u and is gonna ask you out, well youre also wrong. HE is not into you, he is into ME, we spoke a few days ago, and he was head over heels for me. So guess what sparkly girl, youre the LOSA and im the WINNA. Back off sista" i said, and sassily flicked my hair right in her face.

The look on her face for a second, was priceless. But then...... her mouth did something that was completely unexpected. She and her posse started laughing!

"Aww, that's adorable. Did mummy and daddy not kiss you goodnight last night, or did they just die? Its honestly cute of u, deciding that youre the boss here and deciding to confront me like that. Look at you, you even dressed up! Although you look like if barbie went to war and came back. But dear god, look at you. You are so sad and pathetic, how low of you to even think that you are even any close to being cool enough to even breathe near me. You must've hit your head from the last time we've spoken, so to just clear a few things up. I am in charge, I am the prettiest hottest most beautiful girl in the school, I can have anything and anyone I want, I decided who's cool and who's lame and who can speak to me or not, and I am gonna get axel, and nobody else is. And you, are a pathetic little small and insignificant stupid ugly different rat that no one will ever like, talk to, or even look at. So, if u as much as DARE to look my way again, oh life is not gonna be unicorns and butterflies for u anymore. Capisce?" she said. Her posse nodded at the same time, and charlotte sassily crossed her arms. 

I was so taken aback. Everyone stared at me. Everyone started laughing. I can't believe id been so stupid. How could i think that I can stand up to myself in front of anybody? Im a nobody. She was right. I will never, be anywhere near her level. I stumbled back and fell, and everyone burst out laughing even more. Tears were now freely streaming down my face. I was heating up and turning red. Wiping tears with the back of my hand i stumbled up and started to run away. I was running and running and running and running. Anywhere, where i could hide. Anywhere, where nobody would see the pathetic me.

end of chapter 3

a/n: hey kittens! I think that charlotte really snapped in this chapter, what do you guys think will happen next? Will axel pick charlotte or bella? Stay tuned for the next chapter!!

His Favorite Kittenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें