"Oh hello  miss Eri, nice to meet you I'm Hawks." He shook Eri's hand and turned back to the lunches he packed in cute patterns of chickens and eggs.

Of course he packed only chicken nuggets. Both Tokoyami and Tori thought.

"So, you guys are peers of Tsukuyoi's, I hope he's not a troublemaker when he's not with me. And Hana over here is a little troublemaker too, make sure to keep an eye on her too." Tokoyami's face redened. Tori didn't know birds could blush. 

"Oh hey, I work with your pops, Shoto right? Wow your hair is cooler in person. I assume you learn a lot from your old man. You'll grow to be a great hero, I'm sure." Hawks turned to Todoroki. He was eating his soba peacefully, probably the only one who was comfortable enough to eat besides Hawks.

"Yeah." He simply responded before going back to his soba. Hawks pouted at the boy's short response and turned to Midoriya. "Why isn't it the finger-breaker! I hope you don't pull that stunt that you pulled at the festival again. You're Deku, correct?" Deku was too stunned to say anything past happy mutters. Hawks waved a hand in front of him to snap him out of it.

"Ah! Sorry sir but m-may I have an a-autograph?" Hawks was startled as Deku jumped up and started bowing frantically as he held out his notebook.

"Sure thing kid." Hawks took the journal and pen and signed the page that was open.

"Anyways, I'll leave you two alone with your friends. My lunchbreak is over soon. I'll make sure to stop by again soon!" Hawks waved again before he got up and left. "B-bye sir!" Deku called. "Oh wait a minute, he left his chicken- oh!" They all looked to see that all the chicken nuggets were gone. "H-how does he eat so fast? And so much..." 

Mirio had to do go to his afternoon classes. Even though he couldn't do hero stuff, he still had normal classes he had to take.

"I'll walk you guys to Recovery Girl. She will be the one watching you guys but don't be trouble for her, especially while she's busy." Mirio made sure both girls understood.

"Sorry Recovery Girl, I'm already late for my classes so I can't talk. Bye guys and be good!" Togata skipped down the halls. Tori turned back to the old lady at her desk.

"Well you're new, what's your name dear?" She asked. Tori bowed formally. "I'm Tori Hana, and I've recently been taken by the hero Hawks, but before that I lived with the Lueage of Villains for about a year. I'm here at UA for now until they can investigate my parents that hurt me." 

"Oh dear... I'm sure things will straighten up eventually. Was it scary living with the villains?" Tori shook her head immediately. "No! They were very nice and they never hurt me." The old woman relaxed. "Well that's good to here. I still find it terrible for a child to live with villains. Nice or not it still must've been very troublesome." She hopped down from her chair and handed the two girls suckers.

"You two can play around in that corner over there. Feel free to ask me if you need anything. I have some paperwork to fill out." The two kids nodded and and went onto the bed. Eri had a bookbag full of toys and things to do so they played house with the dolls and got along well.

"Tori Hana?" A man called from the doorway. The children didn't even here the door open. "Need her? To on Tori." Recovery Girl waved Tori forward and Tori obeyed. Anxiety crept at her as she walked beside the man. He was plain-looking with short black hair and square eyes. He wore a long brown coat and white gloves.

"Sorry to worry you, I'm not here to take you away I'm just here for questioning. I'll be the one to investigate your parents. Let me introduce myself, I'm Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi , it's very nice to meet you dispite the situation we are meet up for." He tipped his hat and stopped when they reached the teacher's meeting room ans opened the door for her. Nezu was also in the room.

"We meet again! I hope you're doing well?" The mouse asked hopefully. Tori nodded and took a seat. "Apologies for having you come in early, Detective Tsukauchi happened to be very busy tomorrow." Naomasa sat across from Tori besides the principal.

"No problem. What would you like me to tell you about my parents?" Tori asked.

"I'd like to tell me what exactly you remember your parents did, you can take your time and can walk out whenever you want to. There is no pressure." The detective instructed.

"I don't know exactly why but my dad would bring me to a lab and poke needles in me and cut me. My mom was nice until she started hitting me. I think things changed between me and my mom after the gunshot, I can't remember who it was, all I remember is the sound of a gunshot before I was dragged off to the lab. I ran away about three weeks later and then Tomura found me. I was able to stay there until my mother took me again and she tried to be nice but ended up yelling at me and slapping me a lot. I was able to run away again but I lost my memory when I did. I think it was from the blond lady's quirk. I can't remember why but I'm pretty sure that's why. Though I have no idea why she hasn't used it ever since that day." 

"Blond lady?"

"She is the head maid."

"Ah, I see... Thank you very much, Tori Hana. We'll keep in touch and try to give you updates when I can, but for now I'll use this information and maybe start investigating that head maid you mentioned. Thank you both for having me and I wish you two a wonderful rest of your day." The detective tipped his hat and bowed to both Nezu and Tori.

Finally, her parents will get the punishment they deserve and finally Tori would be able to escape from her parents after six years.

~Thanks for reading!~

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