Chapter 7

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Shigaraki and Kurogiri looked at each other. It's like when they first found her over two months ago all over again.

"You... Don't remember?" Kurogiri asked. Tori nodded. "I want my mom and dad- where are they?" Tori looked at Shigaraki. "Are you my dad?" Tori asked, Shigaraki's eyes widened.

"N-no why would I be your father?!" Shigaraki snapped. Tori shrunk back, Kurogiri put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Tori Hana, we're not here to hurt you." Kurogiri said. Tori cautiously got out of bed.

"Are you going to help me find my parents?" She asked the two strange men. Something was familiar about them, but she still was scared. She felt like she couldn't trust anyone.

Kurogiri looked at Shigaraki. "Sir, should we return her to her mother?" Kurogiri whispered to Shigaraki, not wanting to put in his own opinion. "Should we tell her about us?" Tori sat on her bed, kicking her legs that couldn't quite touch the floor.

Shigaraki thought for a moment. He doesn't want to get too attached like last time, he did want to help the girl, but he had to prepare himself for her mother to come back. She wasn't just going to stop looking for her, and now that she knew what area they lived in and what he looked like it would take her less time.

"You can trust us, but you need to listen and do as we say at all times, got it?" Shigaraki said. "Let me tell you, it's best if you don't go back to your mother. Kurogiri, take her to get washed up." Shigaraki ordered. Kurogiri nodded and gestured for Tori to follow him.

"Tell me when you're in and have the curtain closed, Tori Hana." Kurogiri instructed after he was done filling the bath with bubbles, just the way Tori liked it. Tori simply nodded and Kurogiri left the room.

After Tori called for Kurogiri they sat in silence as Tori bathed. "Tori, do you know why you don't remember anything? Do you remember anything about me and Tomura Shigaraki?" Kurogiri asked as he cleaned the sink.

"No, who are you guys? Where's my mom and dad?" Tori tried asking again. Kurogiri remembered what Shigaraki had told him. "I'm sorry, Tori Hana, but Shigaraki has told me not to tell you who we are, I'm not even quite sure you knew who we were when you remembered us. But you can trust us, be sure of that." Kurogiri affirmed. Tori was quite.

"When can I see my mom and dad?" Tori asked. Kurogiri wasn't sure how to answer. "I'm not sure." He answered. There was another long pause. "Think of this place as your home now." Kurogiri added.

After her bath, Tori hung out into the bar with Kurogiri and Shigaraki. "So what did we use to do for fun?" Tori asked. Kurogiri looked up. He was preparing a late lunch for Tori and Shigaraki was sitting and drinking alcohol.

"You and Shigaraki would play videogames." Kurogiri answered. Shigaraki hit Kurogiri with the back of his hand, though it was a light hit because he had to reach over the counter.

Tori looked at Shigaraki. Did she really play videogames with him? He seemed scary and always looked angry or annoyed, so Tori waited a little while to get the guts to speak to the scary man with a hand on his face.

"H-hey m-mister, do you want to play videogames?" Tori asked, averting her eyes to the ground and messing around with her hair. Shigaraki gave her a cold stare. "No. Too busy." He said as he turned back to the counter. Tori frowned and Kurogiri was shocked. What was up with Shigaraki now? He was diliberatly trying to avoid any talk with Tori. He use to act warm and kind to the girl, but now he was cold and quite.

"How about you just play in you room for awhile. I'll bring you your dinner." Kurogiri said. Tori hung her head as she walked away. Kurogiri felt bad he wasn't able to entertain the girl, but he wasn't good at games, fun stuff in general.

Tori found a box full of crayons and papers. As she took it out, a used piece of paper fell. She picked it up. It was a drawing of her, Kurogiri, and Shigaraki. Tori was holding hands with them, even Shigaraki, though he also had a sour face. How was she able to get along with him? Was he mad that she got hurt and lost her memories?

Tori felt even more gloomy than before. Who are these men? Why was she with them and not her parents? When is she going to see them? Tori slumped onto her bed and started to cry.

Kurogiri knocked on the door to here no reply, he opened the door to find Tori asleep. Her face was covered in tears and snot, and beside her was a tear-soaked drawing of them that she had made a little over a week ago. Kurogiri pitied her, but left her to rest.


Kurogiri was worried about Shigaraki and Tori. They were both not themselves. Tori still was getting used to them after losing her memory and Shigaraki avoided Tori.
Tori had gone back to school, Kurogiri filled in on what she was supposed to say and that she was friends with a girl named Mahi Medusa, but let her decide if she wanted to keep that friendship. When Tori was at school, Kurogiri confronted Shigaraki.

"Why are you acting so cold towards Tori Hana?" Kurogiri asked. Shigaraki munched on some peanuts. "Why do I have to tell you?" He mumbled, putting some more peanuts in his mouth. Kurogiri was not satisfied with the answer.

"Tomura Shigaraki, you need to stop acting this way! Tori is already stressed with not remembering anything and not being able to see her parents, can you at least act nice to her? What happened, tell me, Tomura Shigaraki, why are you avoiding Tori Hana? Is it because you couldn't handle it when she was taken? Is that it?" Kurogiri said assertivly. He really didn't like talking to his master this way, but what he hated most was seeing him suppress his emotions. Shigaraki looked offended.

"Maybe, so what? We're villains! A girl like Tori shouldn't be living with us without knowing the truth and villains like us should not be getting attached to things, especially defenseless people like her!" Shigaraki shouted.

"Tori Hana is not defenseless, you know how strong she is even without a quirk. She managed to get away from her mother all by herself. She is very talented and will be a great villain someday. Now please, try to-" "WHAT IF SHE NEVER WANTED TO BE A VILLAIN?!" Shigaraki interrupted, slamming his fist on the table. Kurogiri jumped. "She doesn't know who we are, she never asked for this. What if she didn't want to?" Shigaraki trembled with anger, his eyes red around the edges.

So that was it. Shigaraki didn't hate Tori, he just cared about her so much he was scared. Kurogiri closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calming the air. Shigaraki sat back down and crossed his arms.

"How about we tell her? Then we'll see what she thinks and we'll figure it out from there." Kurogiri suggested. Shigaraki didn't move, didn't look at Kurogiri. "Fine." Shigaraki spat.

Kurogiri knew Shigaraki was just thinking of a way to push Tori away, but who knows? Maybe Tori would like to become a villain, though that was unlikely.

~Thank you for reading!~

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