Chapter 8

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Tori was back from school. She yapped on about her friend Medusa with Kurogiri while Shigaraki sat by silently.

"Tori Hana, how do you feel about villains?" Kurogiri asked, interruping Tori. "Oh, um, I don't know. They seem pretty bad to me. But some I feel bad for." Tori said. Shigaraki looked at her in surprise. "And why would you feel bad about some thugs?" Shigaraki asked. Tori was a little shocked to hear Shigaraki join the conversation.

"Um, well, I just feel like it's sad. Adults breaking rules for things like money. Why is no one helping them? If they broke rules just to get something, that must mean they really needed it. Like that one time we saw a guy steal a microwave. He must've really needed one to break rules." Tori explained sheepishly. She wasn't wrong, but she wasn't quite right.

"What about the villains that 'break rules' because they have different beliefs from society?" Shigaraki questioned even more. This kid had always impressed him with her intelligence at such a young age.

"Well they must really believe to break rules. Or they're just really dumb." Tori's last harsh words was like a punch in the stomach for Shigaraki even though she didn't mean to offend him.

"T-they're not dumb! Well, some are. But some out there are really smart to see flaws in our society!" Shigaraki defended. Tori was confused at the reaction. "Well if there's problems couldn't they fix them in a better way that includes no one getting hurt?" Tori asked. Shigaraki was now flustered. "Let me tell you..." Shigaraki when on a rant about hero society and it's flaws which eventually lead to him repeating his arguments over and over but just more angry and in different wording.

"Tomura Shigaraki, it seems you have bored Tori Hana to sleep." Kurogiri interrupted after a good hour and a half of Shigaraki talking. "Ugh! How dare that little brat fall asleep on me!" Shigaraki raged as Kurogiri went around the bar to take Tori to her room. This was not the night they were going to tell Tori they were villains, but at least Shigaraki started to act more like himself.


Weeks, months had passed an still no sign on Tori's mom, the two men still kept their guard whenever they would take Tori out. Shigaraki and Tori were now getting along better than ever, they even started playing Minecraft again. Kurogiri now had a new mission: find out about Tori's mom and what exactly is going on. Shigaraki was doing well on his own organizing and recruiting the villains he needed for his plan. Kurogiri was actually quite proud of him.

Tori still didn't have her memories, but she made new ones, and Kurogiri would sometimes tell her a funny story from when they had first met her.

It was starting to get close to the holidays, and Kurogiri coaxed Shigaraki into helping him pick out a present for Tori while she was at school.

"What should we get her? She seems to really like that deck of cards I gave her a while back." Kurogiri pondered. "We could get a poker set and teach her how to gamble." Shigaraki suggested. Kurogiri shook his head and continued looking.

"How about a sketchbook and colored pencils? She loves drawing." Kurogiri suggested. "Too lame. Let's get out of here, I have a better thing in mind." Shigaraki said. Kurogiri followed him out of the mall.

After a long walk, they finally made it to the place Shigaraki wanted to go.

"You want to buy her a gun?" Kurogiri asked, unsure of his decision to let Shigaraki suggest something.

"I think she could learn to be a pretty good gunman." Shigaraki explained as he looked at the assortment of guns like they were sweets. The building was run-down and Kurogiri thought he saw a rat.

"I don't think she's ready for a gun. She is still a begginer in all her martial arts training, plus I think she would be more comfortable fighting with a knife or sword rather than a gun." Kurogiri shot down. Shigaraki frowned.

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