He clenches his jaw several times before nodding. "It won't be easy to find her again," he reminds me. "She's long gone from where you last were."

"True but she's weakened. She's lost numbers and separated from most if not all of her possy. Assuming Jacob knows about what happened, he's probably cut Arabella off. If she's desperate, she's moved into human territory so she can steal and not get caught. We need to review recent police reports in the last two days."

"I can do that," he says.

"Thank you, Denver." As he turns towards the door, I instinctively shift off the bed and say, "Wait."

He turns back with a bit of surprise.

"I give you a lot of shit," I tell him, "and I don't make your job easy. But you are a hell of a Beta. You've done more than your title requires and I am very impressed with you."

For once in a long time, the tension melts from his face and he smiles. I see behind his shell and feel his frustrations. Now more than ever, I wish his mate would make an appearance. Denver is the most deserving wolf there ever was. Where is the little hoe he needs to lift his spirits?

"Thank you, Alpha," he says. "You know how much your praise means to me."

I nod solemnly. "If you see Emery, will you send her in? I'm going to shower."

"Will do."

Once he's gone, I hobble to the shower and turn it on. I sigh tiredly. That conversation sapped whatever little energy I'd built up. My body feels like it's been hit by a couple of different trains and then rolled off a cliff.

Shedding the loose pajamas Emery dressed me in, I step into the scalding water. I stand under the stream until my muscles are loose enough to move. I'm rinsing the shampoo out of my hair when the bedroom door opens. Since no one knocked, I assume it's Emery. Her peachy aroma graces my senses right as she knocks on the cracked bathroom door.

"Lenora?" her sweet voice says.

"I'm here, baby girl."

"Can I come in?"


She steps into the bathroom and takes in the steamy glass box I'm standing in. I move to the sliding door and push it open enough that I can see her face clearly. Her eyes worriedly take me in.

"Join me," I invite her.

Without a word, she removes her clothes and enters the shower. I can't tear my eyes from her naked body. Her curves are just as mouthwatering as I remember. It feels like a hundred years have passed since I touched her supple skin or tasted her. Her eyes stare down at our feet while the water penetrates her hair. She hisses and leaps back against the wall.

"That's fucking hot!" she yelps.

I turn it down but step into her space under the stream where she's hiding from the heat. "It feels so good to be back here," I tell her. My hand reaches up to tuck a wily blonde strand behind her ear. "You're safe. We're together again."

She softens at my touch and I hear a sigh slip out of her lungs. We look at one another for a prolonged minute. We both seem to be speechless, but words aren't necessary now. I am content to bask in her presence for the time being.

We take our time bathing one another. Emery works the body wash over my back and sides before cleaning my arms and chest. Her cheeks flush while she circles my breasts. Smirking, I squirt the soap into my hands and touch her shoulders. She stiffens, though, and cowers. I drop my hands right away.


"No, I'm sorry." She swallows. "I just, um."

My heart grows heavy. Her eyes are glued to the floor like she can't bear to meet my gaze. Ignoring the fatigue in my muscles, I kneel in front of her so she has to look at me.

"Don't apologize," I tell her. "We don't have to talk about it unless you want to. I won't touch you until you want me to."

She bends down to take my face into her hands. Even though we're both damp from the shower, her eyes well up with tears.

"I want you to," she says earnestly.

"Oh, baby." I feel so broken for her.

My eyes shut as I imagine snapping Arabella's neck. That is too merciful of an ending for her, though. When I get my hands on her again, she will get tenfold the trauma that she inflicted on my mate.

Emery prompts me to stand up. I open my eyes and rise to my feet, towering over her small figure. She looks over my body before taking one of my hands and guiding it to her cheek. I remain limp in her grasp. She holds my palm to her face for a while. Her breathing shallows out as she gradually slides my hand down her neck to her collarbone. She rests it there for a moment. I study her, noting how forcefully her chest rises and falls. When she goes to move my hand again, I apply slight pressure to her collarbone so she can't move it.

"You don't have to," I tell her. "We can take everything slow. You've been through enough, Em."

Tears spill down her cheeks. She purses her lips and her nostrils flare. "I'm not letting her take away from my relationship with you. I can't let her win again like this."

Sighing, I place my other hand on the back of her head and guide it to my chest. She wraps her arms around my waist and cries into my skin.

I have endured many terrible things, both personally and as a spectator. I've seen wolves murdered, homes burned, and children shunned from their packs. This experience is one of the worst for me. Emery's pain is like a poison dart to my heart. I want to kill for her but I also know that won't make the pain end for her. So I do the only thing I can. I hold her.

After the water goes cold, I shut off the shower and fetch our towels. Emery is no longer crying but her eyes are circled with darkness. I swaddle her in the towel and guide her to the bed. She sits on the edge while I pat her dry and towel down her hair. She watches me mutely the entire time. Once I'm done, I dry myself off and grab sweats for us to wear. She lets me dress her and then scoop her up into the bed. I'm exhausted again, more than before, but I hold her securely against me.

"You're so strong," I mumble, not sure if she even hears me. "The strongest person I know. I'm in love with you, Emery."

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