Hoseok nodded. "Yeah, it went by a lot quicker this time. It actually felt like I was in control this time."

In sync once more. Comforting, but not exactly relieving.

"I saw all of you guys," Taehyung added. "Again. But clearer this time. Did you see me too?"

His mind cracked open. The scene of all six of them standing in a hexagon replayed. Clear as he was seeing them then, every familiar curve and shadow of face.

"You looked at me and mouthed my name." Jimin pointed to Namjoon, "Hobi-Hyung was reaching out to Seokjinnie-Hyung."

Yoongi could remember that, too. That and
Jungkook's voice becoming increasingly more panicked, echoing around them like the suspense-filled background of a horror movie.

"We were all wearing white, too," the small dancer added on, "like pants, and long sleeve shirts."

That didn't come as clearly, but certainly, he had seen them clothed. He would've remembered quite vividly if they weren't. Probably would've laughed in their faces.

The eldest was last. "I saw grass, I think. Like, at least green below us. I think I was looking down. I might've been barefoot."

Yoongi hadn't been looking down. Instead, he recounted that he had felt tickles beneath his feet. Smelled something fresh. Knew that above him was the sky, and so logically, below him had to be the earth. Logically. He almost laughed at himself.

It was Jimin who broke the next period of silence, his voice a small whimper of fear. "I don't want to go back to sleep."

Yoongi wasn't entirely on either side. He had always been the type of person to push instead of pull, but he was dragging the rope towards him, investigating how long it went, where was the end - who or what was the heavyweight tied there. He vaguely knew that regret would swallow him whole if he didn't at least try. If all of them were there, live and in person, completely conscious and aware, couldn't there be the possibility that maybe . .

"Me neither." His words had none of the tender falter Jimin's were characterized by. He felt his blanch slowly rejuvenate into a pale, rosy, color. "But . ."

"But?" Hoseok raised a brow, prompting him further as he trailed off.

"I feel like we have to."

Attention Yoongi handled like a burning hot plate. He stuttered attempting to defend his sanity. "This - This isn't a coincidence. Somethings happening to us. I feel like we have to figure it out."

Fortunately, he was not alone in his thoughts. Taehyung straightened his back, nodding his head in earnest. There was a fire sparkling in his eyes. "I agree with Yoongi-Hyung. He's right. This isn't happening for no reason."

Whatever Taehyung said, typically went.

Seokjin came around first. Maknae's his biggest weakness. "Well, how would we figure it out?"

"What would we figure out?"

"I don't know, why we're all there? Why - why Kook was afraid - " From his peripheral, he saw the panic building in Namjoon, everything around him falling out of his calm control. "Maybe we just need too. . ."

Tae aided him once more. "Fix the mistake."

"There's no mistake!" All jumped at the sudden outburst from the leader. The anxious stress that he hid beneath a layer of tough skin he could take no longer. "We did everything we could for Jungkook. And even if there was, you can't just fix mistakes. You have to live with them. That's what we've been doing, I don't care what they said."

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