[Chapter 32] Pissed Off

Start from the beginning

We continue whispering for a bit, getting off topic, when Dream interrupts, saying, "We can't do that. Schlatt made it clear that only Phil and I can go to meet him.. otherwise he'll kill them."

We all sigh in defeat, but its short-lived once Dream says something that made me break.

"The book only works once per person."

Smoke starts coming out of my mask in more of a degree, as Dream says a little more that I couldn't care less about. Sam tries to calm me down while Swifty says, "S- So.. If Da- If Duobur dies.."

Dream answers, "They'll be gone forever."

I stand up, and say, "Lemme get this straight.. you took all 3 of my given lives.. so now- i'm basically-" I take off my mask for no particular reason in my fit of anger, "-FUCKED BECAUSE OF YOU?!!" [changed the words, we ain't child friendly over here folks]

"Tommy-" Dream begins. "I-"

I go up to him and punch his mask off. This fucking bastard lied about being able to revive me again- he could've killed me!

As he grabs his mask, I scream at him, "YOU LITERALLY STOLE MY FUCKING LIFE!!"

Sam grabs me before I start attacking that dragon bitch again, while I shout, "ALL OF IT!!!"


He hesitates a bit before putting on his mask, staring at me.


He puts on his mask and yells back, "Tommy I made mistakes I get it! And I paid for them- YOU even took two of my lives-!"

At this point, I didn't care what I said. I wanted to kill him so fucking badly. "AND YOU TOOK ALL OF MINE! I DON'T CARE WHAT RANBOO SAYS- I'LL NEVER BELIEVE ANOTHER FUCKING WORD YOU SAY EVER!!"


The next thing I remember is being picked up by Sam and Casinoboo, I grab my mask, put it on, and look over to Dream, who has a bump on the side of his head. I must've hit him more or something.

Dream says, "...Tommy- I-"

"Don't even think of trying to apologize. You're beyond that." I retort, walking back to my seat, Sam following behind me. Once I take a seat, Sam ruffles my hair a bit, making me feel a tiny bit better. [Omg I love the Sam and Tommy Father and Son dynamic- sorry if i'm putting too much- it just fits ya know-]

Dream and Casinoboo sit down at their seats, Casinoboo being the big man he is [also the responsible one], says, "I know everyone's freaked out right now, believe me, I am too. But, we don't have time to talk about the past today. You can go back to bickering tomorrow, I won't stop you."

Ouch. That hurt a bit.

"For today though, lets please focus on saving our friends."

I mumble, "...right. Sorry big man."

"Thank you Tommy. Back on the topic at hand, I had an idea. Dream can I tag along with you and Phil tomorrow?"

"Ranboo I already went over this, Schlatt-" Dream begins to say, before Casinoboo interrupts.

"won't know I'm there till it's too late." He shows a.. particular card in his hand.

"That.. could actually work."

Tubbee asks, "What if Schlatt figures out you're there?"

Casinoboo responds, "Well, worst case senario, I still have 3 lives. So i'd be fine right?"

"Well- yeah... but dying isn't exactly fun--"

Heliotroped interrupts [wow another one], blurting out, "No you don't!!"

Tubbee responds appropriately, "He doesn't what?"

Heliotroped begins, "He-" but stops to think, then says, "Ranboo.. You don't have 3 lives anymore. You.. you lost 2 back then.. remember..?"

Casinoboo looks down, before his eyes shift purple. His posture shifts, almost like he became unconscious. Everyone starts to worry, Tubbee shaking Ranboo to try to get him to 'wake up'.


No response.


No response.


Casinoboo blinks and looks at Tubbo.

Tubbo says, "You're okay... Boo, is he telling the truth.?"

"Yeah.. yeah he is." Ranboo mumbles.

Everyone seems surprised, but the most surprised reward is a 3 way tie, with me, Spell, and Brute, haha funny. Anyways.

Dream asks, "Why did you say-"

Ranboo stops Dream from finishing his question, and says, "I honestly just remembered that."

Brute God says, "We shouldn't risk it then."

Phil adds, "Even if he could get revived, given lives are sacred, they shouldn't be wasted."

I add on to Phil's statement, "Yeah.. the afterlife isn't a nice place either.. maybe one of us could come along as backup-"

This time, Dream is the one who stands up, slamming on the desk, saying, "Bringing anyone else would be dangerous! The smaller the group the better."

Smoke begins to appear again as I stand up, and start, "Dream- if he dies because of you- after all he's done for you-!"

Casinoboo stops us before we start anything up again, and tries to reassure us and says, "Guys! It's okay.. I have tons of totems, ..I'll be fine. I can bring in some people in undetected, but most of us should stay behind to keep an eye on Nevadas."

I stand up, about to say something, but pause. I begin to sit down when Casinoboo asks,

"What do you all think?"

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