"Yeah yeah i know- just help me pick which one here- wait, let me face time you or something" He hurried, tapping the video icon showing his face. On the other side, makki was grinning like an idiot as he look at the state m/n was in.

"Stop staring and help me choose!" flipping the camera from front to the back to show the two set of clothing.

"Really? out of all clothing? a white polo?" Makki deadpanned, he was disappointed he thought he would see m/n's amazing and wonderful fashion sense, another reason why he agreed on helping him.

"What? i need it for my work-! and besides, my polos are getting smaller in my chest part..." M/n defended, a bit embarrassed at the last part of his sentence, makki's brow perched his interest was....piqued by the new found information.

"I would tease you, but i'm too kind for that so..."

Back on tsukishima, who was watching the whole thing unfold. Unbeknownst to him, his friend was behind him wondering what the hell is he looking at.

He followed his line of sight to see a h/c boy with his phone infront of him, he was talking not so discreetly, due to his over the top hand gestures.

"Do you know him, tsukki?" He asked, surprising the flagpole from his sudden presence. "It's none of your business, let's go.." He replied harshly, despite the cold tone yamaguchi did not faltered, it only made his curiousity grew bigger. Who could be that person?

"Thanks for helping, i owe you a creampuff"

"make it a box of it and we're equal"

"You bitch- tch, fine. Only because im feeling nicer than you." M/n smiled despite his irritation for the boy on the other line, "hold on, im going to pay for my stuff" He ended the call as he went to the line for the cashier.

Infront of him was a tall blonde and a moss haired male who's just about his height. Seeing that it was a long line, he decided yo pull out his phone again and text iwaizumi, letting him know that he left his friend in his home.

Iwa, i left your friend in my home, you might wanna fetch him lol 😁.

not even a minute, iwaizumi had already replied.

:What?! you could've woke him up and kicked him out of your condo before going out, that guy's probably gonna be nosy again.

m/n raised a brow, what's there to hide? i mean, it's not like he's a serial killer and what a rude way to treat your friend, i thought they were lovey dovey?

wdym? it's not like he's a thief or anything right? 😀

also, why would i kick him out? that's rude! and isn't he your friend 🧍

:no, he just likes to meddle with other people's stuff, where are you anyways? isn't it saturday?

:because it's shittykawa we're talking about

I'm at the department store near my place, buying new clothes.

"Uhm excuse me, but my friend wants to tell you something." a voice called out to m/n infront, he looked up to see the moss haired man woth freckles on his face, which m/n found adorable on him.

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