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My wonderful mates gave me a surprise proposal. 

My day started off going on individual dates with each of them before we all headed to a cute little set up that was in Esme's garden.

"We've been with you for a rather long time." Alice says

"from the moment we all met you, we all fell in love with you." Emmett says

"We couldn't ever image a better person to have as our mate then you"Eddy says

"We wanna be with you forever" Esme says

"we will forever love and protect you"Rosa says

"We would do anything and everything for you." Carlisle says

"And we have one question for you" Jasper says

"Marry us" the all say in unison.

I smiled and nodded as I wiped the tears from my eyes as I watched them walk over and kiss me individually before the moved back and Jasper presented the crown diamond ring.

"crown because you're our queen" He says

I snffled and smiled as he slipped the ring on my finger.

I leaned down and kissed him since he was on one knee before he stood up as we kissed.

I turned and kissed the others longer than the quick peck we shared before Jasper presented the ring.

"You all just made me so happy," I tell them as I wipe the tears that kept falling.

"that's our goal for all eternity" Alice replied

"well you're achieving it" I tell her

They all kiss me again before we headed inside. I went to wash my face before I came back and sat in my chair and talked with my mates.

"we will figure out the sleeping arrangements," Carlise says

"Well, I'm the only one that sleeps." I stated the obvious.

They agreed with me.

" So why not take turns sleeping with me whether it be solo or double" I suggested.

"Not a bad idea," Carlise says

"and if it comes to me ever being turned we can continue it." I say

"fair enough" the others say

We sat there in comfortable silence for a bit.

"know a good realtor?" I asked

"I do love," Esme says

"great I need to get a great majority of the things from my place that I wanna keep and move it in here, then sell the rest minus the furniture. and Sell my house" I say

"When would you like to do that?" Eddy asked

"well, the Volturi comes tomorrow so we can do it when they leave whenever that may be." I answered

"Sounds good" Rosa says

"I'll go contact the realtor and tell her about the upcoming house that I know is about to be up for sale" Esme say before walking off.

"We will go hunt" Alice says

Her,Eddy,Rosa,Emmett,Carlis, and Jasper all get up and head out

"don't get to bloody" I called out

"no promises" Emmett replied

I chuckled which made them laugh before fully leaving.

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