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Prom was fun it was the students that were talking out their asses and trying to out do each other that was what I wouldn't ever wanna deal with again.

A few days after prom my mates had to leave town to go visit their head royals the Volturi and suggested that I stay home so that nothing bad happens and that I don't miss school.

Since they've been gone I've had to deal with Bella and her pea brain ass. & thanks you blabber mouth Black she knows what the Cullens are which just makes shit that much worse. I mean know she's trying to sniff around wanting to question me and find out where they went. 

And like the times before when she got nosy and shit I warned her over and over again. but like all other times she never listened so on the very last day of school for me I broke her jaw, it was so bad she had to be rushed to the hospital and have it wired shut.

When I heard of that I was at the treaty line and I replied


which Jacob didn't like and he went to attack me but Paul and the others held him back.

"You attack her you start a war between the Cullens and us. which we don't want nor need cause you wanna attack her for nothing. I get it that Bella is your imprint and you're being protective of her. well, Aalyiah is doing the same with the Cullens and protecting them since Bella is bringing the whole identity of them to school and risking their secret being found out." Same says 

"She has no right touching Bella," Jacob says

"She does cause they are both humans. and we don't harm humans Jacob which you know that being the grandson & Son of our pack leaders before me" Sam replied

Jacob scuffs at that.

"This shit wouldn't have happened had you're kept your trap shut and not broken the damn treaty rules," I say

"its not treaty rules" Jacob says

"Bullshit its not" I replied

"Son its part of the treaty that your grandfather and the Cullen's signed which you know that. you broke that rule so there must be consequences before the Cullens come back." Billy says

"What?" Jacob asked not believe what his dad says.

"you think you telling Bella's stupid ass what my mates are will not have consequences?" I asked

He looks at me with a snarl look.

" you fucking informed a shitty human their real identity so you must face the consequences and be done with it." I say

" no one asked you" he says

"I don't care  if anyone asked me or not. you ran your fucking trap and I want to see you face the consequences" I replied

"Jacob for a full two weeks we are taking your wolf from you" Billy says

"No you cant do that." Jacob says

"its either that or contact patrols and not seeing Bella" Billy says

"its not my fault she's mated to the Cullens" Jacob tries.

"No but it's your fault for breaking the treaty that was agreed and never broken for years,"Billy replied

Bella whined and cried as she looked at Jacob.

I rolled my eyes watching her crying ass moan and groan since she couldn't talk.

"isn't there any other options?" he asked

"Unless you want all the Cullens to deal with you and you not allowed to shift." Billy asked

"thats not fair they attack me and I cant defend myself," he states.

"then pick out of the first two options." Sam tells him

"Fine take my wolf" He says

I stood there watching as they did what they needed to take Jacob's wolf from him.

"Once your punishment is over you'lll have your wolf back. till then you will be like humans" Billy says

Jacob looked at me and smirked.

"don't think about it ajcob cause the minute you try to hurt me I will knock you on your ass and make you regret ever opening your mouth" I warned

"your fair game now and I'd love to see you try" he says

"did you forget when your human you don't have the ability that your wolf gives you. your back to being weak, and puny?" I asked

He glared at me.

"I will return the favor" he says

"and I will be waiting to kick your ass so hard your balls will shrink" I replied

"the others that was there covered their junk while Bella just glared at me.

"keep looking at me like that and I will make  your wired jaw the lease of your issues," I tell her

She looks frightened and hides behind Jacob.

"thank you Billy and Sam for meeting and talking with me. it was a pleasure seeing you both. and thank you for handling the problem" I say before I get into my car and leave.

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