Chapter Forty-One: On With The Trip

Start from the beginning

"Ah, huh, sure. But guess what?" Sarah continues, hopefully changing the subject.

I start to slow my walk as I approach Virgo's stall.

"You know how after Darwin you guys are going to Western Australia?"


"Guess who is going to be there when you arrive?"

"Um... I don't know. Shane Rose?"

"Oh, yeah totally. No, you idiot-me!"

I almost drop my phone. 

"Are you serious?" I cry, trying not to disturb the entire stable.

"Yep! I'm fully healed and will get to see you again in one week," she shrieks. "Sadly, Jupiter can't come up for a while."

I wander over to Virgo's stall and rest my arms on the door. "That sucks. But you can always ride Virgo."

"Oh, yeah, you still banned from riding?"

"For two months."

Sarah lets out a low whistle. "Damn."

Virgo lifts his head at the sound of my voice. He's dressed in a grey travelling rug and has shavings all through his mane.

"Well, could be worse," I sigh, picking up the float boots that I left out last night. "I could be kicked off the team."

I open the stall door and slip in, Virgo instantly lipping my shorts for treats.

Sarah giggle. "True, we wouldn't want that."

I smile. "Yep. Anyway, I gotta put Virg's boots on so we can head off and finally leave Darwin. I'm so excited to see you again."

Sarah says her goodbyes and hangs up the phone. 

Sliding it into my pocket, I take out a chunk of carrot and feed it to Virgo. "Thankfully, we can finally leave."

Virgo just munches away. 

The good boy stands still for me as I crouch down by his legs and attach the blue float boots around his thin legs. When all four are firmly secure, I pat Virgo on the neck-maybe slipping him another treat, but you didn't hear that from me-then slip his leather halter over his head.

"Need any help?"

I turn around and leaning against the stall door is Alex. I take in the messy mop of black hair on his head and the slight bags under his eyes from waking up so early. Like me, he is dressed in some black shorts and he has a baggy The Beatles t-shirt on.

I lean against Virgo's shoulder. "Didn't know you were a fan."

Alex scoffs, wiping a hand over his face. "It's Will's. He said it would make me more bright and appreciative. Whatever that means."

My lips pull into a smile. "Thanks for the offer but Virgo and I are okay."

Alex stands up straight as I walk Virgo over to the stall door. Looking at Alex, I see a sleepy Fletcher standing behind him in red float boots. When I reach the stall I push up onto my toes and swiftly brush Alex with a kiss.

"That's nice," he smiles. "Is everything going okay?"

I take a breath to answer but stop myself when my eye is caught by something walking behind Alex. 

Sacha and Jack are leading their horses towards the stable doors. I quickly see that Jack has Sacha's hand in his as they stroll along together. My heart swells with pride as I watch Jack lean over and kiss the top of Sacha's head, making the French guy turn bright red. 

My eyes are glued to the pair as they walk away. 

When I can no longer see them, I pull my gaze back to Alex. 

"Actually, things are really great," I murmur, trying to keep the smile off my face.

"Well, I'm just glad we are getting out of this place," Alex grunts, opening the stall door.

Thanking him, I lead Virgo into the large aisle. 

"Glad to leave then?" I ask.

Alex walks up to my side, throwing an arm around my shoulders so he can pull me in closer to him. He kisses the top of my head. 

"Aren't you?" he retorts.

Grabbing his hand, I tug on his arm so we start to walk, the horses trailing behind us.

"Very," I smile.

Walking down the aisle hand in hand, I smile at the other members of SEC as they lead their horses out of their own stalls. Through the large stable doors, I see the float and trucks-tires very intact-ready to take us to our next destination.

A wave of relief washes over me.

Okay, maybe I'm giving Darwin a hard time... it wasn't totally bad. 

Sure, I've been suspended from the team; had to deal with the most crazed Bruno family member; endangered all the horses and had to be conned by an evil but intelligent Swede. However, some parts have been good.

Overall, I'd give Darwin two stars out of ten stars. But I do have a sneaky suspicion that we have all grown from this trip around the country.

We have lost a horse and we have lost a family member; all heartbreak that will never be forgotten. 

Still, we are gaining a friend back and leaving with the knowledge that there is still plenty of adventure left as we continue to travel, which makes everything a little bit easier. I just can't wait to see what's next-hopefully I'll just be smart enough, to tell the truth from the very beginning.

Alex and I stop when we reach the stable doors. He gives my hand a little squeeze as I lean into his shoulder. 

"You ready?" he asks.

"For the ten-hour bus ride? All while sitting next to Lily who will just want to play Uno for the whole ride! Yeah, no," I reply with a laugh.

As we stand in the middle of the doors, Justin approaches us.

"Want me to take him, Miss Maddie?" he asks, holding out a hand to take Virgo's lead rope.

With a smile on my face, I turn and look at Virgo. He blinks back at me with his big brown eyes. Slowly, I run my fingertips down his long face, planting a sneaky kiss on his cheek. Virgo then shoves his head into my side and I know immediately what he wants.

A treat.

I take the last carrot slice out of my pocket and greedily my boy laps it up. Laughing I press my face into the side of his neck.

"Alright, Chocolate Head. Off to our next adventure."

The final chapter! Please go and read the Author's notes too and answer the questions I've written for all my readers. It would mean so much as it also contains a QnA, my final thoughts and what's next.

And no, I didn't tear up while writing my last chapter with these characters... what do you mean?

Madison v.s The Travelling Exchange StudentsWhere stories live. Discover now