Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Dark Silent Night

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"Now where do you think you're going?"

Cringing, I halt in my place. My heart flutters and I don't dare turn around.

Oh no, I've been caught.

"Maddie?" The voice strains.

Great, not you.

"Oh, just out," I reply, shrugging my shoulders as I turn.

At the top of the flight of stairs, I am met with the deep glare of piercing blue eyes. Nervously, I fidget with the corner of my shirt, waiting for Alex's cousin to reply.

She purses her lips, a cocky look crossing her face. "I see. Where could you possibly be going then at a time like this?"

I open my mouth to answer but Sienna starts descending the motel stairs causing me to hesitate. Her arms are folded and her red locks are piled up on the crown of her head. She stops when she reaches the stair above the one I'm standing on, our eyes meeting.

"Well," I start, "I have to check something out at the stables. I left my bag."

Sienna's mouth tilts. "I'm sure."

"Of course you are."

Her eyes dart over my outfit of just denim shorts and Lily's Harry Styles sweatshirt.

"Not very dressed up, so I suppose you aren't meeting anyone," Sienna sighs.

I raise my eyebrows. What's this girl up to?

"What do you need, Sienna?" I say, spitting out her name.

"Nothing," she shrugs with a smile on her perfect lips.

I take a step backwards and down the stairs, trying to get a distance away from this crazy bitch. She continues to smile as I back down the staircase carefully.

"See you later then," I draw out, keeping my eyes trained on Sienna.

Sienna nods then turns her back to me. Finally, I feel like I can breathe but that's ruined when she throws her head over her shoulder.

"Tell Elias I say hi! I'm sure you to will have a thrilling and very freeing night," she calls, a slight laugh in her voice.

I stop working my way down the stairs and my mouth turns into a snarl. Of course, she knew; those two are still in cahoots.

I shake the feeling of being watched by Sienna and leave my spot on the staircase and head deeper into the dark night. Like how the show wasn't far from the stables, the motel isn't far from the stables either.

The night is eerily quiet, like a still pool of black ink. The air is warm and humid as I walk down the narrow sidewalk but I can't help but shiver. Light from the street lamps guide my path, allowing me to travel through the Darwin streets.

Eventually, I reach the riding centre and jump the fence. From my first... exciting experience with Elias, I know now my way around the place in the pitch black.

The small stable block looks like an abandoned horror house in the darkness. The trucks with deflated tires look like the monsters that reside there. Putting my big girl pants on, I approach. The two oak doors are cracked slightly opened, a padlock hangs unlocked on one of the handles.

The bracey-creep is already inside.

Goosebumps form on my arms as I slowly open the two doors. The creak of rust strikes through the silence of the stables and I step inside. As I walk down the aisle my breathing starts to quicken; it's the only sound I can hear.

Madison v.s The Travelling Exchange StudentsWhere stories live. Discover now