Chapter 53

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Anna's POV
"You did a good job defending ur step brother..." I said as she kept quiet.

I sat next to her while she stared off too space. School was starting in two days so she would have to go in late.

We were in a comfortable yet awkward silence when a nurse came into check on the machines. Her jaw was taped up in little pieces and her abdomen was wrapped with a wrap.

Her arm was full of tubes and some IVS. She was in a bad condition and I hated seeing her like this.

She wouldn't let a sip of water go through and because she couldn't open her mouth very well she communicated by only yes and no questions using ASL.

She was put in a feeding tube but she barely ate sometimes they put food in for her anyway.

I updated Ag when I told her she was devastated. She always had suspicions on Skylar's step dad.

I looked over at Skylar who was looking out at the window. She looked as if she wanted to get out of bed.

"Skylar? Do you want to get out of bed?" I asked her but she signed me no.

I learned that the signs with the nurse when she asked for water. I looked at has I laid my head on her bed near her waist.

I felt something touching my hand when I looked I saw Skylar trying to reach for my hand.

"Hey it's okay." I said taking her hand.

I could feel her hand shaking in mine. Kissing the top and pulling a hair behind her ear.

"It's okay." I said and I could see a slight nod and hearing a wince.

I held her hand has I watched her fall back asleep. I think I fell asleep myself when someone woke me up.

"She needs to go back in. You can wait out in the lobby." O heard seeing the same doctor that talked to me in the watcher's bay.

I nodded looking at Skylar who was asleep kissing the top of her hand again I left and sat in the lobby. It's been two days since the accident of the fight and I'd blame myself for forcing her to hang out with me...

I fell asleep in the chair when I felt someone wake me up again.

"Anna? Anna wake up." I heard hearing Eva's voices. I saw all 4 girls looking at me.

"Cmon... let's go home. We're gonna come back first thing in the morning." They said and I shook my head no.

"Anna Cmon." I heard as I felt someone pull me up.

I looked at Emma and was worried she helped me walk as we got in the car. Once we reached Eva's house I slept in Eva's bed and she put a blanket over me.


I got out of bed when I reached the kitchen to find all 4 girls looking at me.

"Wait what's the time?" I asked.

"Anna it's 2:00..." Eva said and I ran out with Eva's keys.

They all ran with me and I got in the car rushing over to the hospital. Running in as I told the guy behind the counter.

"Skylar Hayes!" I said and he shook his head no.

"Passed this morning." He said and I couldn't process.

"Anna..." I heard seeing that same doctor.

"Come with me if you would." He said and I was in tears.

He brought me in a meeting room and I could only feel somber around me.

"She gave this to me after I left. It was a note she had written in the hospital before the surgery." He said and I couldn't believe it.

Hey Anna, just wanted to tell you thanks for everything you did. Even though the bad situations blinded me I realized you were there. Thank you for making me feel safe and I love you.

Ps. Tell my mom I love her too.

My mind was clouded with thoughts that I couldn't believe. No she couldn't be...

"Although... she made and exception for you." He said and I looked at him confused as he brought me to a room.

"Skylar?" I said and that girl that was looking out the window turned her head to see me.

They must have out her bed closer to the window so she could actually see. I walked in and the doctor left us to give space.

'I didn't want anyone else coming so I told them to tell others that I was 'dead' she wrote in a book and I smiled the fact that she let me in.

There were less tubes than there was before and I sat down next to her has I smiled laying my head on her thigh.

She smiled playing with my hair when we saw Skylar's mom.

"Oh my god baby. I thought you died." She said as I got up for her to talk to her.

I waited outside and it was few minutes when she came out.

"Treat her well... she's already been through enough." Her mom said and I smiled.

"Of course I will." I said and she nodded leaving.

I walked in to see Skylar writing something down. I looked and it had written 'I'm hungry' she said and this time she tried opening her jaw.

She realized it hurt to talk or eat so she looked at me before writing something down.

'Smoothie?' She asked and I laughed at texted Eva to get us some smoothies.

I guess they questioned it and I asked Skylar if I could tell a few people. People o trusted and she thought before nodding.

Eva brought us our smoothies and told me that they would be leaving. Without Eva I probably would be in a bad state so I thanked her by paying extra so she could go to the mall. As well as paying everyone else.

Me and Skylar hung out all day as she wrote down a few thing. After she got tired she drew on my arm and I'd translate it on the notebook to make sure it was correct.

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