Chapter 45

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Anna's POV
I watched as Skylar blocked the shots. She blocked most of them arhat was kicked at her.

I remember last nights. She was mumbling things about Tom and she was whimpering. I felt like I was annoying her but I really wanted to make sure she was okay.

The game was on Friday as today was Tuesday so we had a couple days to practice. Despite Skylar not practiced at all she was doing better than our last goalie.

"HAYES!" Coach yelled out as she kicked a ball has a hard as she could.

Skylar dived for it and luckily caught it. Our last goalie barely dived for shit. She was a shitty goalie if I'm gonna be honest.

"SHUMATE!!" I heard as I felt someone push me off the bench.

"Cmon your gonna kick for Hayes!" The Coach yelled as I ran up to the free line.

I looked at Skylar. She was tired but she still had enough energy to keep going. I used my full power to kick the ball but Skylar caught it easily.

"No way.." Scarlet said.

Skylar punted the ball across the mid way field as Jacie caught the ball.

"TAKE 20 HAYES!" Coach yelled as I smirked at Skylar's new abilities to catch my shots.

"Bailey couldn't even catch your kicks. We got upgraded from level 10 to level 100." Jade said as I laughed.

I followed Skylar who was walking down to the lockers. She opened the door and before it could close I slipped in.

She didn't realize I was following her. I watched her has she was getting something out of her lockers. She sat down before grabbing some pills. She took them and laid her head on a locker door.

A few minutes passed as I looked at her and she was sitting on the floor sleeping...

"Hey Skylar..." I whispered as I kneeled down to her.

Her head hung down low as I lifted it.

"Hey love wake up." I whispered.

I shook her a little has her eyes opened slowly. I smiled and sat in front of her. She groaned at me before feeling weak and her head rested on my shoulder.

I watched has her head started to fall in lap. She curled up in my lap as I felt her breath running down my thigh.

"Hey Skye. Love you need to wake up." I said moving her head.

"I feel tired Cmon let me sleep for a little while." She mumbled as she pulled a sweatshirt and covered herself as it acted like a blanket.

I sat there while she slept in my lap. I smiled and played with her hair as I sat on the cold floor. She looked really cute when she's asleep. She looked like she was really tired...

I wonder if the nightmares she's having are happening every night? She's so tired she could barely play for a quarter of the game. And if that happens we're gonna have to choose someone that has never been a goalie to play for us while Skylar is off. And that's gonna throw our game off.

"SHUMATE GET YOUR FUCKING BUTT OUT HERE! AND BRING HAYES WITH YOU!!" The Coach yelled as I realized she cussed.

Coach only cusses when she's serious...

"Skye wake up. Coach is pissed." I said waking her up.

We both got outside when I felt someone fall at my feet. I looked over to see Skylar laying on the ground. I looked behind me to see a player. It was Khloe she's was always on the sidelines and never played in any of the matches.

"DUDE?! WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled getting close. I pushed her against the wall.

"No wait it's not what you think! I didn't mean to!" She yelled as I just got angrier.

"Anna! Stop it!" I heard seeing Skylar brushing herself off.

I looked back at Khloe who had a fear in her eyes.

"Umm... you'll be alright... heh." I said walking away in embarrassment.

"What was that about?" Scarlet came up to me as I just shook my head no.

"Sorry.." I mumbled and she sighed.

I looked at Skylar who was talking with the coach. Her long brunette hair with her blond highlights. It made her hair look soft. I mean it was soft. What conditioner does she use?

Her 5'6 body... and the clothes underneath. I crave her skin... her beautiful and healthy soft skin. I crave touching her not inappropriately just making her flustered. I liked holding her last night. In general I love holding her when she's okay with it obviously.

Her toned legs showed off with the shorts. She was sweating so her veins in her arm started to pop out a little making her arms look even hotter. Is that possible? She's so... gorgeous... and her eyes I could stare all day. It's like lighting crashing on hungry waves of an ocean.

And her perfect plump lips. She always blushed when she's flustered. And I remember her moans that night... god I would love to hear those again.

"ANNA! FOR GOD SAKES!" I heard as I felt a ball land in my face.

I looked to see Skylar. She had her eyes furrowed.

"I don't know. Maybe that will teach you to not stare at girls. Stupid pervert." She said as I laughed.

"Oh you think that's funny?" She said as the next thing I found myself face planting the ground.

"Cmon. Your partnering with me." She scoffed and walked off.

God even the way she walks she has confident in where she was going.

Scarlet's Pov
"Oh my god hey!" I whispered as I saw Jace at the entrance.

"Hey." He said smiling.

I talked to Jace for awhile. Me and him got closer for awhile. Although feeling bad I have a fat crush on him and I wanted to talk to Skylar first. I feel like if I could run it by her she would be okay with that.

I gotta impress the girl to get with the boy. They look like siblings because they always insults each other in a mean but funny way. And they always fight over the stupidest things.

I went back as I was gonna talk to Skylar when I saw Anna just staring at Skylar first.

"Hellooo?" I said poking Anna's face.

She didn't move a single inch. She was staring straight at Skylar. I watch Jade come over has she was confused.

"Annaaaa? Hellloooooo?" Jade said as I looked over at Skylar who was staring at us.

She grabbed a soccer ball and punter towards us. We all ran but Anna just stood there. The ball aimed right at Anna's face making her fall.

"I don't know. Maybe that will teach you to not stare at girls. Stupid pervert." She said and Anna laughed.

"You think that's funny?" Skylar said as she stuck her foot out making Anna trip.

We all couldn't hold in a laugh as Anna fell flat face on the ground. After I looked at everyone and they seemed to be confused just as I am.

"It's not possible Anna has a crush on Skylar?" I asked as Thalia looked at me.

"Do you not see? It's obvious Anna has a big fat crush. She told us not to ask Skylar to fill in for Bailey and she's been staring at Skylar's leg the entire time we've been here." Diane said as I nodded.

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