Chapter 44

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Tw Sexual abuse

Skylar's Pov
For some reason... I always seem to end up in a flashback or a nightmare. Mainly on my sexual abuse parts but on a their things. Like the being lost in complete darkness. Or falling from skyscraper with no parachute and you end up waking up right when you land on the ground.

It was too dark but the only thing I could see was a moonlight. Dad was hooked on his machines. I looked to my right to see a nurse coming as she checked on him.

"Miss. Take these clothes and let's you in a shower. You've been her for multiple days. It's only the best we take care of you too." She said and I smiled as I took some scrubs.

I went in the bathroom and undressed taking the hot water rubbingdown my back. I was alone. Or I thought I was.

"Princess?" I heard as My eyes widened.

"Tom? What are you doing here?" I asked as I looked out the shower curtain.

He was undressing himself has he got closer to me.

"It's okay. I knew you were here. I'm sorry for the fight we had." He said pushing me back in the shower.

His hands on my waist has the water ran down my front. I felt his hand pull me towards him.

"Why don't we do something to make up for it." He said and I knew what he was doing.

"Tom im really not in the mood. My dad is on the charges and we barely have the money to keep him on. We can't even afford chemo." I said and he sighed.

"Just this once alright? It makes your mind clear up for when you see him again." He said as I felt finger trail down.

He kept getting getting closer to my heat has I felt really uncomfortable. I hated this. He thought he could solve it with some make up sex and I really hated that he could solve everything with the pleasure that just didn't feel the same anymore.

He kept going... and going. I let him cause what else could I do? Push him off and call a nurse? He get angry over that and it would just lead to more sex...

"Skylar?... hey your okay." I heard as I felt a girl's voice in my ear.

I woke up out of my own flashbacks and felt someone wrapped arms around me. I immediately felt safe with the fact that Tom was not here. He was away and farther than I could think right now.

"Just a nightmare... it's okay." She whispered.

It wasn't. It was real and I hated every moment. I remember it so well. I gave consent. It's not rape he didn't rape me cause every time I would consent him even if he didn't care.

Is that okay? I gave him consent so it wasn't rape right? I mean yeah sometimes he's force me to give him consent so he would have proof that I consented with him.

I felt someone pull me into a tighter hug. Her head on against mine. Her hand trailed up to my neck as I felt small shapes being drawn with a finger.

I focused on naming the shapes.

"Triangle... star..." I whispered. After that I fell asleep.


I opened my eyes and heard Anna waking me up.

"Practice is in 30. We have to be on the bus in 15." She said and I quickly got up.

I pulled my uniform on and a sweatshirt. I put on some shorts even though it was cold outside I could get sweaty at the practice.

I pulled some sweatpants over and a key card has Anna was waiting for me. I grabbed my phone and went with her.

We rushed down the stairs as all the girls were waiting in the lobby.

"Y'all were suppose to be awake and hour ago for breakfast." Scarlet said.

"Yeah we forgot to set an alarm last night." Anna said as the coach nodded.

We got on the bus and I felt really weak for some reason. The flashback replayed in my head from last night as I looked out the window.

"Hey are you okay? Something happened last night and I wanted to ask if you were okay?" Anna asked as me as I looked at her.

"Uhm yeah... im okay. How'd you know?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"You kept kicking the sheets off of me. And I heard you mumbling and whimpering." She said and so felt the total embarrassment.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She said as I nodded looking out the window.

I hated that the fact she's seen me at my worst. When I really thought the flashbacks stopped. The night of the party brought everything back. I felt scared and alone in my world when I'm suppose to be happy that I'm finally escaping exhaustion to Tom.

I looked at a text message on my phone from Jace as I smiled. I didn't tell him the flashbacks that came back.

He was the only person beside Layla that actually helped me. Back at home he stayed with me. Not regularly in the same bed but when I kept having nightmares and flashbacks of his brother he would just usually hold me till I went back to sleep.

It had gotten so bad I stopped sleeping. I stopped eating and felt like a shitty person for letting him do whatever he wanted with me.

But he helped pay around the house. He helped with my dad'a medical bills and I couldn't thank him. But he didn't allow me to have money until I would have sex with him.

Jace had encouraged me to eat. I hadn't been out of the house for at least more than two months. He started to stay with me 24/7 until I moved. It was hard for me to say goodbye to a person who helped me so much.

I couldn't thank Jace enough and he literally deserves the world. I hope that he could come to me when he needed it because I owe him so much.

We got off the bus and started to walk towards the field that was still having their Christmas break.

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